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Ambient Findability

[美] Peter Morville 作者
O'Reilly Media
2005-10-6 出版日期
208 页数
USD 29.95 价格
9780596007652 图书编码

Ambient Findability 在线电子书 图书标签: information  design  web  互联网  设计  计算机  book  O'Reilly_Media   

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Ambient Findability 在线电子书 著者简介

Peter Morville是互联网行业知名的信息架构专家,被誉为“信息架构之父”,他还是Semantic Studios的总裁。Semantic Studio是一家关于信息架构和可寻性的咨询公司。他有近二十年的咨询经验,为AT&T、IBM、Microsoft、哈佛商学院、Internet2、Procter & Gamble、Vanguard、雅虎等公司提供建议。Peter被誉为信息架构学之父。此外,Peter还是《Web信息架构:设计大型网站》的作者之一(另一位是Louis Rosenfeld)。这本书是信息架构领域最畅销的书籍。


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Ambient Findability 在线电子书 图书描述

How do you find your way in an age of information overload? How can you filter streams of complex information to pull out only what you want? Why does it matter how information is structured when Google seems to magically bring up the right answer to your questions? What does it mean to be 'findable' in this day and age? This eye-opening new book examines the convergence of information and connectivity. Written by Peter Morville, author of the groundbreaking "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web", the book defines our current age as a state of unlimited findability. In other words, anyone can find anything at any time. Complete navigability. Morville discusses the Internet, GIS, and other network technologies that are coming together to make unlimited findability possible. He explores how the melding of these innovations impacts society, since Web access is now a standard requirement for successful people and businesses. But before he does that, Morville looks back at the history of way finding and human evolution, suggesting that our fear of being lost has driven us to create maps, charts, and now, the mobile Internet. The book's central thesis is that information literacy, information architecture, and usability are all critical components of this new world order. Hand in hand with that is the contention that only by planning and designing the best possible software, devices, and Internet, will we be able to maintain this connectivity in the future. Morville's book is highlighted with full color illustrations and rich examples that bring his prose to life. "Ambient Findability" doesn't preach or pretend to know all the answers. Instead, it presents research, stories, and examples in support of its novel ideas. Are we truly at a critical point in our evolution where the quality of our digital networks will dictate how we behave as a species? Is findability indeed the primary key to a successful global marketplace in the 21st century and beyond? Peter Morville takes you on a thought-provoking tour of these themes and more - ideas that will not only fascinate but will stir your creativity in practical ways that you can apply to your work immediately.

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俗语说酒香不怕巷子深,在巷子数量如互联网网页数量级的时候,就完全不适用了~能被找到,才能发挥其价值,酒香也怕巷子深~ 本书2005年出版,直至最近才在国内出版简体中文版,大约也是在快速发展的阶段,对于很快能用上的方法之类更为需求迫切。 但就像书中提到的层次步速理...  




俗语说酒香不怕巷子深,在巷子数量如互联网网页数量级的时候,就完全不适用了~能被找到,才能发挥其价值,酒香也怕巷子深~ 本书2005年出版,直至最近才在国内出版简体中文版,大约也是在快速发展的阶段,对于很快能用上的方法之类更为需求迫切。 但就像书中提到的层次步速理...  



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