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Leadership and the One Minute Manager

Ken Blanchard 作者
Jossey Bass
1996-1-1 出版日期
112 頁數
GBP 18.07 價格
9780688039691 圖書編碼

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 管理  職場  美國  技術  成長  思維  參考資料   

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Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 下載 2025

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 epub 下載 pdf 下載 mobi 下載 txt 下載 2025

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 用戶評價


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This book is clearly analysis the problem of management and provide the solution. Excellent!!!


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This book is clearly analysis the problem of management and provide the solution. Excellent!!!


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This book is clearly analysis the problem of management and provide the solution. Excellent!!!


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This book is clearly analysis the problem of management and provide the solution. Excellent!!!


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This book is clearly analysis the problem of management and provide the solution. Excellent!!!

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 著者簡介

Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 圖書描述


In clear, simple terms Leadership and the One Minute Manager® teaches managers the art of Situational Leadership®--a simple system that refutes the conventional management mandate of treating all employees equally. Here, you'll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; why knowing when to delegate, support, or direct is critical; how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person; and how consistent use of the One Minute techniques will produce better management and enhanced motivation on all levels. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to creative, personalized leadership that elicits the best performance from your staff--and the best bottom line for any business. If your management motto is "everyone should be treated equally," Leadership and the One Minute Manager. will show you why this style not only hinders workplace efficiency, but also frustrates your staff. In clear, simple terms, Ken Blanchard, co-author of the enormously popular The One Minute Manager., coupled with business gurus Patricia and Drea Zigarmi, teach managers the art of Situational Leadership.. You'll learn why tailoring management styles to individual employees is so important; when to delegate, support, or direct; how to identify the leadership style suited to a particular person; and how consistent use of the One Minute techniques will produce better management and enhanced motivation on all levels. This remarkable, easy-to-follow book is a priceless guide to creative, personalized leadership that elicits the best performance from your staffand the best bottom line for any business.

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Leadership and the One Minute Manager 在線電子書 讀後感


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This ...


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This ...


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This ...


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This ...


The leadership has to be split as 4 parts: Directive, Coaching, Supporting & Delegate. Each of them has to be applied to people individually based on the task assigned. To be apart of the task with team member. It help them to improve the performance. This ...

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