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Off the Cuff What to Say at a Moment's Notice

Cooper, Anne 作者
Career Press
2004-1 出版日期
256 頁數
$ 19.20 價格
9781564147134 圖書編碼

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Off the Cuff What to Say at a Moment's Notice 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Off the Cuff What to Say at a Moment's Notice 在線電子書 圖書描述

Off the Cuff shows how to deal with our no.1 fear--public speaking. (The same study ranked fear of death no.5 and loneliness, no.7. Apparently, most of us would prefer dying alone to making fools of ourselves in front of others ) This book is a comprehensive approach to speaking for all occasions, and a guide to knowing what to say, ti, and how to say it right. Off the Cuff will teach you how to: -Say a few words whenever called upon.- Make your arguments clear, concise, and effective. -Add depth to any new product announcement. - Provide wisdom and comfort at a friend's funeral.- Craft original speeches and presentation.- Collect quotes that communicate volumes with just the right "few words." - Map out your communication through a fill-in-blank process. - Know how the colors you wear will influence an audience. - And much more.Off the Cuff also features infamous examples of what not to say Remember, distinguished careers have been lost in an instant--buried in a sound bite that will live forever. To quote Mark Twain: "Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them, the rest of us could not succeed." Except for those rare moments when we have given a scripted speech, we've been speaking off the cuff whole lives. Now it's time to learn how to do it easily, effectively, and fearlessly.

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