Learn cocos2d 2: Game Development for iOS 在線電子書 圖書標籤: cocos2d 遊戲編程 計算機 軟件開發 計算機科學 編程 iphone Objective-C
Learn cocos2d 2: Game Development for iOS 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
作 者 簡 介
Steffen Itterheim從20世紀90年代開始就一直熱衷於遊戲開發。他在Doom和Duke Nukem 3D社區錶現活躍,並因此獲得瞭他的第一份自由職業,成為3D Realms的一名beta測試人員。作為職業遊戲開發者,Steffen擁有10多年的豐富經驗,其中大部分時間擔任Electronic Arts Phenomic的遊戲和工具程序員。2009年Steffen第一次接觸cocos2d,那時他與其他人共同創辦瞭一傢iOS遊戲公司——Fun Armada。他樂於將自己的寶貴經驗傳授給其他遊戲開發者,以幫助他們更上一層樓。有機會你可能會在白天看到他在住所附近茂密的葡萄園周圍散步,也可能在晚上看到他在Nevada沙漠收集瓶蓋。
Andreas Löw在10歲的時候有瞭一颱Commodore C16,從那時起他就對計算機産生瞭狂熱的興趣。他自學瞭編寫遊戲的技術,並在1994年發布瞭自己的第一款遊戲Gamma Zone,這是一款針對Commodore Amiga平颱的遊戲,用純匯編語言編寫完成。在獲得電子工程學的學位後,他進入Harman International公司,負責為汽車行業開發具有語音識彆功能的導航和娛樂係統。他開發瞭自己的編程語言和開發工具,現在世界上采用語音識彆技術的每輛汽車都在使用他的編程語言和開發工具。
Create compelling 2D games with Learn cocos2d 2: Game Development with iOS. This book shows you how to use the powerful new cocos2d, version 2 game engine to develop games for iPhone and iPad with tilemaps, virtual joypads, Game Center, and more. It teaches you: * The process and best practices of mobile game development, including sprite batching, texture atlases, parallax scrolling, touch and accelerometer input. * How to enhance your games using the Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines and other cocos2d-related tools and libraries. * How to add UIKit views to cocos2d and how to add cocos2d to UIKit apps. * The ins and outs of the Kobold2D development environment for cocos2d and its pre-configured libraries, including cocos3d and Lua. Best of all, this book will have you making games right from the very start. It guides you step-by-step through the creation of sample games. These fun examples are modeled after popular App Store games and teach you key concepts of the new cocos2d 2 game engine and relevant tools like TexturePacker (texture atlas), PhysicsEditor (physics collision shapes), Particle Designer (particle effects), Glyph Designer (bitmap fonts), and others. This book offers a rock-solid introduction to creating games made entirely with cocos2d and little or no iOS SDK and OpenGL code. It also details alternative implementations, identifies the best free and commercial tools for cocos2d game development, features coverage of the author's improved cocos2d game engine (Kobold2D), and even helps you enhance your game's marketability on the App Store. What you'll learn * The process and best practices of mobile game development, including sprite batching, texture atlases, parallax scrolling, touch and accelerometer input. * How to enhance your games using the Box2D and Chipmunk physics engines and other cocos2d-related tools and libraries. * How to add UIKit views to cocos2d and how to add cocos2d to UIKit apps. * The ins and outs of the Kobold2D development environment for cocos2d and its pre-configured libraries, including cocos3d and Lua. Who this book is for The book is aimed at beginning game developers looking for an easier and even more powerful way to create compelling 2D graphics using OpenGL and Objective-C. It is assumed that the reader will have some knowledge of object-oriented programming and the Apple and iPhone/iPad developer environment. Table of Contents * Introduction * Getting Started * Essentials * Your First Game * Game Building Blocks * Sprites In-Depth * Scrolling with Joy * Shoot 'em Up * Particle Effects * Working with Tilemaps * Isometric Tilemaps * Physics Engines * Pinball Game * Game Center * Best Tools for cocos2d Development * Kobold2D Fundamentals * Out of the Ordinary
非常不错,但是翻译的不是很好,偶尔有印刷错误。 书的内容非常好,讲述方式和普通的大纲式教学很不一样,这里基本是让你通过一些很常用的例子来学习cocos2d。需要自己不端查文档,看原书代码。 初看上去书很薄,不过里面没有印全部代码,需要自己下载来看。 初学者如果功底不...
評分非常不错,但是翻译的不是很好,偶尔有印刷错误。 书的内容非常好,讲述方式和普通的大纲式教学很不一样,这里基本是让你通过一些很常用的例子来学习cocos2d。需要自己不端查文档,看原书代码。 初看上去书很薄,不过里面没有印全部代码,需要自己下载来看。 初学者如果功底不...
評分为零基础的“设想过自己写个电脑游戏软件并从中获利吗?”——这是本书第一章的第一句话。 通过阅读本书,读者会发现这是一本非常适合初学者的的iOS游戏编程书; 阅读本书的必备知识: 买一本书,就是为了学习。如果一本书到手,却发现自己根本用不到或看不懂,那就悲剧...
評分想写手机游戏玩玩,无奈折腾Android上主流的LibGDX和Andengine两大引擎都跑不出一个成功的HelloWorld,只好转投iOS了。 Cocos2D引擎源于Python,移植到iPhone平台后非常成功,与Unity3D成为iOS开发的主流。联通支持下的C++重写,主打跨平台的Cocos2d-X也在慢慢发展。现在还有C...
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Learn cocos2d 2: Game Development for iOS 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025