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Verbal Advantage

Charles Harrington Elster 作者
Random House Reference
2002-9-26 出版日期
459 頁數
USD 16.99 價格
9780375709326 圖書編碼

Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英語  vocabulary  英語學習  詞匯  英語詞匯  工具書  GRE  英文原版   

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Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 用戶評價


Verbal Advantage的高明全在正文中的生詞,而非條目中的500個。彆人傢的生詞是一個一個地記,而VA傢的是一坨一坨地記。









Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 著者簡介

Charles Harrington Elster is a writer, broadcaster, and logophile—a lover of words.

He is the author and narrator of the audio vocabulary-building program Verbal Advantage and the book by the same name. His other books include Tooth and Nail and Test of Time, vocabulary-building novels for high school students preparing to take the college entrance exams; There's a Word for It, a lighthearted look at unusual—and unusually useful—words; and The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations, which William Safire of The New York Times hailed as "the best survey of the spoken field in years." In 2005 Harcourt published What in the Word? Wordplay, Word Lore, and Answers to Your Peskiest Questions About Language, and in 2006 Houghton Mifflin released the second edition of The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations, featuring nearly 200 new entries.

Charlie was pronunciation editor of the seventh and eighth editions of Black's Law Dictionary and a consultant for Garner's Modern American Usage. He is a guest contributor to the "On Language" column of The New York Times Magazine, and his articles have appeared in the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and other publications.

Charlie has also been talking about language on the radio since 1985. He has been interviewed on NPR’s Talk of the Nation, Weekend Edition, and All Things Considered and been a guest on hundreds of radio shows around the country. For five and a half years he cohosted a weekly public radio talk show on language called A Way with Words.

Charlie was born in New York City in 1957 and earned his B.A. cum laude from Yale in 1981. He lives in San Diego with his wife and two daughters.

Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 圖書描述

First time in book form! A successful program for teaching 3,500 vocabulary words that successful people need to know, based on America's #1 bestselling audio vocabulary series.

"People judge you by the words you use." Millions of Americans know this phrase from radio and print advertising for the Verbal Advantage audio series, which has sold over 100,000 copies. Now this bestselling information is available for the first time in book form, in an easy-to-follow, graduated vocabulary building program that teaches an outstanding vocabulary in just ten steps.

Unlike other vocabulary books, Verbal Advantage provides a complete learning experience, with clear explanations of meanings, word histories, usages, pronunciation, and more. Far more than a cram session for a standardized test, the book is designed as a lifetime vocabulary builder, teaching a vocabulary shared by only the top percentage of Americans, with a proven method that helps the knowledge last.

A 10-step vocabulary program teaches 500 key words and 3,000 synonyms.

Lively, accessible writing from an expert author and radio personality.

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Verbal Advantage 在線電子書 讀後感


这本书最适合用来复习巩固,不太适合做词汇学习的初始材料。      如果看本书之前没有系统学习过英语的词汇(是“学习” 而不是“背”单词),那么学习本书的过程中很容易放弃,因为读懂每一个单词的英文释义都需要同级别的其它词汇。阅读一旦卡壳,就容易半途而废。词汇...  


最好的单词书. 现在看了一个月+, 完成了四个level 十个一组的学 然后做笔记. 我一般会学一些比较魔性的GIF图辅助记忆. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以 level4 word31 为例子 callow = green, naive, la...  



【帖前声明】:提升单词量和掌握精深程度的终极武器当然是阅读(如专业文献及英美的报纸杂志等),这里只是针对那些想要找些高品质的词汇书来学习的朋友做些介绍。 大家当时为了考G,一路红宝和再要你命三千背下来,单词量想必有了不小的提升,但是背单词这件事儿,用句俗话讲...  


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