Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025

Evolutionary Psychology

David Buss 作者
Allyn & Bacon
2003-8-16 出版日期
480 页数
USD 86.60 价格
9780205370719 图书编码

Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 图书标签: 英文原版  心理学  心理  Psychology  进化心理学  刘未鹏荐  David.M.Buss   

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Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 用户评价


The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.


The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.


The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.


The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.


The pros and cons about evolutionary psychology, (it could be the worst idea ever) we can't isolate the human behavior triggered by environment from its cultural context, in the meanwhile, we can't get in too much about our ancestor theory because the dynamic circumstances we are embedded in is changing. No varieties no evolution.

Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 著者简介

D·M·巴斯(David M.Buss):是进化心理学的领军人物,他所著的这本《进化心理学》权威性和可读性兼备,已被西方各大学广泛采用。本书不仅适合心理学专业的本科生和研究生,也可供认知科学、生物学、人类学、社会学和哲学等领域的研究人员参考使用。

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Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 图书描述

In its first edition, Evolutionary Psychology: The Science of the Mind was the premier and original text for the burgeoning field of evolutionary psychology. David Buss, one of the foremost researchers in the field, has thoroughly revised his already enormously successful text to provide an even more comprehensive overview of this dynamic field. Using cutting-edge research and an engaging writing style, the Second Edition of Evolutionary Psychology ensures that your students will master the material presented. Highlights of the Second Edition: Offers a logical progression of topics by discussing adaptive problems that humans face. Integrates additional material on cognition and language throughout the text. Includes stories, media and cultural examples and illustrations, and applications to the personal lives of students.

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Evolutionary Psychology 在线电子书 读后感


有一些书,可以大幅度减少我们花在阅读同类书籍的时间。因为越是基本而统一的原理,它的适应面越广。跟《决策与判断》一样,《进化心理学》也属于这种类型。 为什么男性更看重女性的容貌、年龄,而女性更看重男性的能力、社会地位;为什么男性偏好于沾花惹草,而女性更注重承...  


不知为何,看完这本书,内心中有种绝望的感觉。 按书中的说法,人活在世上,经受着那么多的苦难折磨,同时也感受着众多的爱恨情仇,甜蜜欢乐,却不过是一场关于生存与繁衍的游戏罢了。 我们的思想,行为,情感,不过是漫长的进化强加给我们的一段段程序而已,而我们,只是执行...  




第一部分 基础理论 第一章、进化心理学的科学运动 1。拉马克,物种变化是为了生存。 2。达尔文的自然选择理论。变异,遗传,选择,差异繁殖成功率。 3。达尔文性选择理论。同性竞争,异性选择或雌性选择, 4。进化的原因中还有遗传漂变,即基因的随机变化,突变和建立者...  

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