HTML & XHTML 在线电子书 图书标签: html xhtml web O'Reilly web技术 css web_dev book
HTML & XHTML 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
过时的东西太多,冗长而重复的东西也很多。作者很擅长用很长的句子说明一件根本就不是重点或者显而易见的东西。 所举的例子也不是很生动,都是简简单单地套用,从头到尾看了半本书还是没看到什么精彩的成果出来。 CSS那章更是无聊至极的罗列,竟然还对是否应该使用CSS做了一番严肃讨论,拜托,现在不是上个世纪了,不用CSS的页面估计也就大学教授的那些牛逼哄哄的个人主页了。
评分过时的东西太多,冗长而重复的东西也很多。作者很擅长用很长的句子说明一件根本就不是重点或者显而易见的东西。 所举的例子也不是很生动,都是简简单单地套用,从头到尾看了半本书还是没看到什么精彩的成果出来。 CSS那章更是无聊至极的罗列,竟然还对是否应该使用CSS做了一番严肃讨论,拜托,现在不是上个世纪了,不用CSS的页面估计也就大学教授的那些牛逼哄哄的个人主页了。
评分过时的东西太多,冗长而重复的东西也很多。作者很擅长用很长的句子说明一件根本就不是重点或者显而易见的东西。 所举的例子也不是很生动,都是简简单单地套用,从头到尾看了半本书还是没看到什么精彩的成果出来。 CSS那章更是无聊至极的罗列,竟然还对是否应该使用CSS做了一番严肃讨论,拜托,现在不是上个世纪了,不用CSS的页面估计也就大学教授的那些牛逼哄哄的个人主页了。
评分过时的东西太多,冗长而重复的东西也很多。作者很擅长用很长的句子说明一件根本就不是重点或者显而易见的东西。 所举的例子也不是很生动,都是简简单单地套用,从头到尾看了半本书还是没看到什么精彩的成果出来。 CSS那章更是无聊至极的罗列,竟然还对是否应该使用CSS做了一番严肃讨论,拜托,现在不是上个世纪了,不用CSS的页面估计也就大学教授的那些牛逼哄哄的个人主页了。
评分过时的东西太多,冗长而重复的东西也很多。作者很擅长用很长的句子说明一件根本就不是重点或者显而易见的东西。 所举的例子也不是很生动,都是简简单单地套用,从头到尾看了半本书还是没看到什么精彩的成果出来。 CSS那章更是无聊至极的罗列,竟然还对是否应该使用CSS做了一番严肃讨论,拜托,现在不是上个世纪了,不用CSS的页面估计也就大学教授的那些牛逼哄哄的个人主页了。
"...lucid, in-depth descriptions of the behavior of every HTML tag on every major browser and platform, plus enough dry humor to make the book a pleasure to read." --Edward Mendelson, PC Magazine "When they say 'definitive' they're not kidding." --Linda Roeder, Put everthing you need to know about HTML & XHTML at your fingertips. For nearly a decade, hundreds of thousands of web developers have turned to HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide to master standards-based web development. Truly a definitive guide, the book combines a unique balance of tutorial material with a comprehensive reference that even the most experienced web professionals keep close at hand. From basic syntax and semantics to guidelines aimed at helping you develop your own distinctive style, this classic is all you need to become fluent in the language of web design. The new sixth edition guides you through every element of HTML and XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. You'll also find detailed discussions of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is intricately related to web page development. The most all-inclusive, up-to-date book on these languages available, this edition covers HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, and CSS2, with a preview of the upcoming XHTML2 and CSS3. Other topics include the newer initiatives in XHTML (XForms, XFrames, and modularization) and the essentials of XML for advanced readers. You'll learn how to: * Use style sheets to control your document's appearance * Work with programmatically generated HTML * Create tables, both simple and complex * Use frames to coordinate sets of documents * Design and build interactive forms and dynamic documents * Insert images, sound files, video, Java applets, and JavaScript programs * Create documents that look good on a variety of browsers The authors apply a natural learning approach that uses straightforward language and plenty of examples. Throughout the book, they offer suggestions for style and composition to help you decide how to best use HTML and XHTML to accomplish a variety of tasks. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, and what makes sense to those who view your web pages and what might be confusing. Written for anyone who wants to learn the language of the Web--from casual users to the full-time design professionals--this is the single most important book on HTML and XHTML you can own. Bill Kennedy is chief technical officer of MobileRobots, Inc. When not hacking new HTML pages or writing about them, "Dr. Bill" (Ph.D. in biophysics from Loyola University of Chicago) is out promoting the company's line of mobile, autonomous robots that can be used for artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic research, and education. Chuck Musciano began his career as a compiler writer and crafter of tools at Harris Corporations' Advanced Technology Group and is now a manager of Unix Systems in Harris' Corporate Data Center.
想成为专业Web Designer的一定要看!看完再看一遍W3C的Standard。 后面附带的一个tag card太实用了,可以贴在办公桌上~! 不过整体说来,如果是给用来提高的devloper看的话,书的性价比差了点,70%的都是非常初级的内容。整体翻译还可以。
评分现在来看这本书可能有点老了吧? 虽然书名是html和xhtml 但是书中的内容大多数是介绍的html,而且作者在刚上来也说了,他习惯于用html(记不清多少页是这么说的了,但是肯定说过) 其中还有好多的地方写的是可以有不闭合标签,但是现在都说尽量要闭合标签的. 还有好多的font center al...
评分如果你刚接触网络共享,或者WEB前端工作而不知从何入手的时候,看这本书吧。 这本书给与了web编程工程师或者学生一个最基本的根基。 除了HTML之外,书中简要介绍了XML以及扎根于其上的XHTML。对于客户端编程的各种技术都有简要提到。 书中偶尔会有闪耀着作者智慧的文字出现,多...
评分虽然内容形式过于呆板,比如dir lang这几个属性其实都一样,但书中还是对每个标签都说一遍,浪费纸张。 有一个地方没看明白,CSS中,关于媒体的,screen, print为什么不包括笔记本? 笔记本对应的媒 体应该是什么?
评分这不是一本好书,很明显的有太多浅显的内容了,存在太多罗嗦和不必要的内容(不知道原版如何),该书最有用的估计也就是最后的附录和卡片,难道买书是为了买这本书的附录?性价比太差了。 书的内容和书名《HTML与XHTML权威指南》完全不是一会事,哪是什么权威,有太多的滥竽充数内容...
HTML & XHTML 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025