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Genes, Girls, and Gamow

James D. Watson 作者
2002-01-29 出版日期
259 頁數
USD 26.00 價格
9780375412837 圖書編碼

Genes, Girls, and Gamow 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Career   

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Genes, Girls, and Gamow 在線電子書 圖書描述

“The chase for the double-helical structure of DNA was an adventure story in the best sense. First, there was a pot of scientific gold to be found—possibly very soon. Second, among the explorers who raced to find it, there was much bravado, unexpected lapses of reason, and painful acceptances of the fates not going well. The early 1950s were not times to be cautious but rather to run fast whenever a path opened up—nuggets of gold might be lying exposed over the next hill. As one of the winners with a fortune much, much bigger than I ever dared hope for, I could not stop moving. There was more genetic loot to be located, and not joining in the further hunt would make me feel old.” —from the preface

Immediately following the revolutionary discovery of the structure of DNA by James D. Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, the world of molecular biology was caught up in a gold rush. The goal: to uncover the secrets of life the newly elucidated molecule promised to reveal. Genes, Girls, and Gamow is James Watson’s report on the amazing aftermath of the DNA breakthrough, picking up where his now-classic memoir The Double Helix leaves off.

Here are the collaborations and collisions of giants, not only Watson and Crick themselves, but also legions of others, including Linus Pauling (the greatest chemist of the day), Richard Feynman (the bongo-playing cynosure of Caltech), and especially George Gamow, the bearlike, whiskey-wielding Russian physicist, who had turned his formidable intellect to the field of genetics; with Gamow—an irrepressible prankster to boot—Watson would found the legendary RNA-Tie Club.

But Watson––at twenty-five already the winner of genetic research’s greatest jackpot––is obsessed with another goal as well: to find love, and a wife equal to his unexpected fame. As he and an international cast of roguish young colleagues do important research they also compare notes and share complaints on the scarcity of eligible mates. And amid the feverish search for the role of the still mysterious RNA molecule, Watson’s thoughts are seldom far from the supreme object of his affections, an enthralling Swarthmore coed named Christa, the daughter of the celebrated Harvard biologist Ernst Mayr.

Part scientific apprenticeship, part sentimental education, Genes, Girls, and Gamow is a penetrating revelation of how great science is accomplished. It is also a charmingly candid account of one young man’s full range of ambitions.

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Genes, Girls, and Gamow 在線電子書 讀後感


当沃森与克里克的那篇著名的论文在《自然》上发表时,离沃森的25岁生日刚刚过去没几天,那是一个年轻得让人羡慕的年纪。尽管沃森自己说过,在那时,他“考虑女孩子多于基因”,不过,这仍然可以算是一份可爱的生日礼物。 沃森后来在他的《双螺旋》中讲述了这段发现的故事,一...


当沃森与克里克的那篇著名的论文在《自然》上发表时,离沃森的25岁生日刚刚过去没几天,那是一个年轻得让人羡慕的年纪。尽管沃森自己说过,在那时,他“考虑女孩子多于基因”,不过,这仍然可以算是一份可爱的生日礼物。 沃森后来在他的《双螺旋》中讲述了这段发现的故事,一...


当沃森与克里克的那篇著名的论文在《自然》上发表时,离沃森的25岁生日刚刚过去没几天,那是一个年轻得让人羡慕的年纪。尽管沃森自己说过,在那时,他“考虑女孩子多于基因”,不过,这仍然可以算是一份可爱的生日礼物。 沃森后来在他的《双螺旋》中讲述了这段发现的故事,一...


当沃森与克里克的那篇著名的论文在《自然》上发表时,离沃森的25岁生日刚刚过去没几天,那是一个年轻得让人羡慕的年纪。尽管沃森自己说过,在那时,他“考虑女孩子多于基因”,不过,这仍然可以算是一份可爱的生日礼物。 沃森后来在他的《双螺旋》中讲述了这段发现的故事,一...


当沃森与克里克的那篇著名的论文在《自然》上发表时,离沃森的25岁生日刚刚过去没几天,那是一个年轻得让人羡慕的年纪。尽管沃森自己说过,在那时,他“考虑女孩子多于基因”,不过,这仍然可以算是一份可爱的生日礼物。 沃森后来在他的《双螺旋》中讲述了这段发现的故事,一...

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