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Irrational Exuberance

Robert J. Shiller 作者
Crown Business
2006-5-9 出版日期
336 頁數
USD 16.00 價格
9780767923637 圖書編碼

Irrational Exuberance 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 金融  Finance  經濟  RobertShiller  投資  經濟學  investment  心理學   

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Shiller是個有良心的學者,然而,history alway repeats itself。。。


看這本書的時候,腦海裏一直想起這樣一句話:當信息掌握在少數人手裏時,獲利往往最多;而如果每個人都掌握瞭信息,那麼每個人都能“公正的”分享利益。 而現實中我們有可能讓每個人都掌握信息嗎? 當然不可能。 所以,高效市場這種基於每個人都是理性的理論,在現實中又真能有多大作用呢?



Irrational Exuberance 在線電子書 著者簡介

Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics at Yale University. He is the recipient of the 2000 Commonfund Prize, awarded for Best Contribution to Endowment Management Research, for Irrational Exuberance. He is also the author of Market Volatility and Macro Markets, which won the 1996 Paul A. Samuelson Award.

Irrational Exuberance 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Irrational Exuberance 在線電子書 圖書描述

《非理性繁榮》書名取自美國聯邦準備理事會理事主席葛林史班 1996 年底在華府希爾頓飯店演講中,談到當時美國金融資産價格泡沫時所引用的一句名言。從那時起,許多學者、專傢都注意到美國股市因投機風氣過盛而引發的投資泡沫現象。

Book Description

In this timely and prescient update of his celebrated 2000 bestseller, Robert Shiller returns to the topic that gained him international fame: market volatility. Having predicted the stock market collapse that began just one month after the first edition was published, he now expands the book to cover other markets that have become volatile, particularly the recently red-hot housing market. He includes a full chapter on domestic and international housing prices in historical perspective.

Shiller amasses impressive evidence to support his argument that the recent housing market boom bears many similarities to the stock market bubble of the late 1990s, and may eventually be followed by declining home prices for years to come. After stocks plummeted when the bubble burst in 2000, investors moved their money into housing. This precipitated the inflated real estate prices not only in America but around the world, Shiller maintains. Hence, irrational exuberance did not disappear—it merely reappeared in other settings.

Building on the original edition, Shiller draws out the psychological origins of volatility in financial markets, this time folding real estate into his analysis. He broadens the evidence that investing in capital markets of all kinds in the modern free-market economy is inherently unstable—subject to the profoundly human influences captured in Alan Greenspan’s now-famous phrase, “irrational exuberance.” As was true of its predecessor, the second edition of Irrational Exuberance is destined to be widely read, discussed, and debated.

CNBC, day trading, the Motley Fool, Silicon Investor--not since the 1920s has there been such an intense fascination with the U.S. stock market. For an increasing number of Americans, logging on to Yahoo! Finance is a habit more precious than that morning cup of joe (as thousands of SBUX and YHOO shareholders know too well). Yet while the market continues to go higher, many of us can't get Alan Greenspan's famous line out of our heads. In Irrational Exuberance, Yale economics professor Robert J. Shiller examines this public fascination with stocks and sees a combination of factors that have driven stocks higher, including the rise of the Internet, 401(k) plans, increased coverage by the popular media of financial news, overly optimistic cheerleading by analysts and other pundits, the decline of inflation, and the rise of the mutual fund industry. He writes: "Perceived long-term risk is down.... Emotions and heightened attention to the market create a desire to get into the game. Such is irrational exuberance today in the United States."

By history's yardstick, Shiller believes this market is grossly overvalued, and the factors that have conspired to create and amplify this event--the baby-boom effect, the public infatuation with the Internet, and media interest--will most certainly abate. He fears that too many individuals and institutions have come to view stocks as their only investment vehicle, and that investors should consider looking beyond stocks as a way to diversify and hedge against the inevitable downturn. This is a serious and well-researched book that should read like a Stephen King novel to anyone who has staked his or her future on the market's continued success.

                              --Harry C. Edwards

From The New Yorker

During the past decade, he has emerged as a leader in the new field of "behavioral finance" which seeks to apply lessons learned from other academic disciplines, particularly psychology to economics. Irrational Exuberance is not just a prophecy of doom. Encompassing history, sociology, and biology, as well as psychology and economics, it is a serious attempt to explain how speculative bubbles come about and how they sustain themselves.

                                John Cassidy

From Library Journal

Taking his book's title and thesis from Alan Greenspan's 1996 description of investors, Shiller (economics, Yale Univ.) studies the current booming U.S. stock market in historical terms. His research into past U.S. and international markets indicates that during every speculative bubble there was always widespread consensus that high valuations were justified by each market's special circumstances. Every large market correction seemed to result from popular consensus rather than specific events or news. Shiller says that past bull and bear markets, though often based initially on sound fundamental reasoning, fed upon themselves to go beyond what the facts justified. He challenges the efficient market theory, demonstrating that markets cannot be explained historically by the movement of company earnings or dividends. He concludes that the current U.S. stock market is a speculative bubble awaiting correction. While the book certainly belongs in all academic business collections, public libraries should also purchase it as a counterweight to the plethora of get-rich-quick investment guides.

                              -Lawrence R. Maxted, Gannon Univ., Erie, PA

From The New York Times Book Review

No one has explored the strange behavior of the American investor in the 1990's with more authority, or better timing, than Robert J. Shiller.

                                 Louis Uchitelle

About Author

Robert J. Shiller is the Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics at Yale University. He is the recipient of the 2000 Commonfund Prize, awarded for Best Contribution to Endowment Management Research, for Irrational Exuberance. He is also the author of Market Volatility and Macro Markets, which won the 1996 Paul A. Samuelson Award.

Book Dimension :

length: (cm)23.3             width:(cm)15.4

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Irrational Exuberance 在線電子書 讀後感


席勒(Robert J.Shiller)教授在其在本人授课的耶鲁公开课《经济市场》上推荐的辅助教材之一。这本书因其“成功的预测了2000年和2007年两次金融及房产市场泡沫崩溃“而出名,当然事实上这本书只是幸运的在2000年金融泡沫破灭前刚好发表,显然整个经济泡沫涌起的90年代不断会有...  


下面是我曾经写的book report,感兴趣的朋友可以拿此书来看。 我简单说说这书, 作者对于美国房产经济做了一番研究,此书有详细的对于次贷以前类似房产经纪引发的经济问题的研究。很多facts.从此你看书美国如何房地产经济的发展轨迹。 此书对于权威毫不吝啬的批评,认为次贷一...  




本学期我选修了这门课,会随着课程而更新课堂笔记:1-7课,8-14课,15-23课(完) 这是入门级的概论课。如果你有一点金融基础,就不必看了。 自己收集的书目:金融通识 Finance for Liberal Arts Course Description: Financial institutions are a pillar of civilized societ...  



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