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Angels & Demons

[美] 丹·布朗 作者
Pocket Books
2006-8-3 出版日期
557 頁數
80.0 價格
9781416528654 圖書編碼

Angels & Demons 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文原版  小說  懸疑小說  懸疑  宗教  angel  DanBrown  美國   

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Angels & Demons 在線電子書 著者簡介

丹·布朗(DanBrown, 1964- ),美國暢銷作傢。畢業於阿默斯特學院,曾是一名英語教師。1996年開始寫作,先後推齣瞭《數字城堡》、《詭計》和《天使程序》3部小說,均取得瞭不錯的銷售成績,其中以《天使程序》最為成功,奠定瞭他在小說界的地位。《達・芬奇密碼》是他的第4部作品,齣版後成為有史以來最為暢銷的小說之一。布朗的作品已被翻譯成多種文字,在世界範圍內廣為流傳。

Angels & Demons 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Angels & Demons 在線電子書 圖書描述

It takes guts to write a novel that combines an ancient secret brotherhood, the Swiss Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, a papal conclave, mysterious ambigrams, a plot against the Vatican, a mad scientist in a wheelchair, particles of antimatter, jets that can travel 15,000 miles per hour, crafty assassins, a beautiful Italian physicist, and a Harvard professor of religious iconology. It takes talent to make that novel anything but ridiculous. Kudos to Dan Brown (Digital Fortress) for achieving the nearly impossible. Angels & Demons is a no-holds-barred, pull-out-all-the-stops, breathless tangle of a thriller--think Katherine Neville's The Eight (but cleverer) or Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum (but more accessible).

Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is shocked to find proof that the legendary secret society, the Illuminati--dedicated since the time of Galileo to promoting the interests of science and condemning the blind faith of Catholicism--is alive, well, and murderously active. Brilliant physicist Leonardo Vetra has been murdered, his eyes plucked out, and the society's ancient symbol branded upon his chest. His final discovery, antimatter, the most powerful and dangerous energy source known to man, has disappeared--only to be hidden somewhere beneath Vatican City on the eve of the election of a new pope. Langdon and Vittoria, Vetra's daughter and colleague, embark on a frantic hunt through the streets, churches, and catacombs of Rome, following a 400-year-old trail to the lair of the Illuminati, to prevent the incineration of civilization.

Brown seems as much juggler as author--there are lots and lots of balls in the air in this novel, yet Brown manages to hurl the reader headlong into an almost surreal suspension of disbelief. While the reader might wish for a little more sardonic humor from Langdon, and a little less bombastic philosophizing on the eternal conflict between religion and science, these are less fatal flaws than niggling annoyances--readers should have no trouble skimming past them and immersing themselves in a heck of a good read. "Brain candy" it may be, but my! It's tasty.

                          --Kelly Flynn

From Publishers Weekly

Pitting scientific terrorists against the cardinals of Vatican City, this well-plotted if over-the-top thriller is crammed with Vatican intrigue and high-tech drama. Robert Langdon, a Harvard specialist on religious symbolism, is called in by a Swiss research lab when Dr. Vetra, the scientist who discovered antimatter, is found murdered with the cryptic word "Illuminati" branded on his chest. These Iluminati were a group of Renaissance scientists, including Galileo, who met secretly in Rome to discuss new ideas in safety from papal threat; what the long-defunct association has to do with Dr. Vetra's death is far from clear. Vetra's daughter, Vittoria, makes a frightening discovery: a lethal amount of antimatter, sealed in a vacuum flask that will explode in six hours unless its batteries are recharged, is missing. Almost immediately, the Swiss Guard discover that the flask is hidden beneath Vatican City, where the conclave to elect a new pope has just begun. Vittoria and Langdon rush to recover the canister, but they aren't allowed into the Vatican until it is discovered that the four principal papal candidates are missing. The terrorists who are holding the cardinals call in regarding their pending murders, offering clues tied to ancient Illuminati meeting sites and runes. Meanwhile, it becomes clear that a sinister Vatican entity with messianic delusions is in league with the terrorists. Packing the novel with sinister figures worthy of a Medici, Brown (Digital Fortress) sets an explosive pace as Langdon and Vittoria race through a Michelin-perfect Rome to try to save the cardinals and find the antimatter before it explodes. Though its premises strain credulity, Brown's tale is laced with twists and shocks that keep the reader wired right up to the last revelation. (May)

About Author

Dan Brown:

Dan Brown is the bestselling author of Digital Fortress, Angels and Demons and Deception Point. He is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he has taught English and creative writing.

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Angels & Demons 在線電子書 讀後感


写书写到这个份上,我已经不知道该对作者如何评价了。也许只能说,作者实在是太善于把握一切畅销书的元素了,所以他的三本书无一例外都有着同样的东西——从结构到语言,从故事到人物。 对我来说,我很后悔浪费时间看这三本书。  


最近几天不巧患了流感,卧床在家,于是有机会读到这本书。《达芬奇密码》我尚未读过,不过已很多次听人说起《密码》有多么的好看。于是一见到这本,就迫不及待的开始读了。或许这就是作者的品牌效应吧,一如前两天陈凯歌之名对我观《无极》之影响。 必须承认,这本书具有畅销...  


写书写到这个份上,我已经不知道该对作者如何评价了。也许只能说,作者实在是太善于把握一切畅销书的元素了,所以他的三本书无一例外都有着同样的东西——从结构到语言,从故事到人物。 对我来说,我很后悔浪费时间看这三本书。  


还是决定给《天使与魔鬼》做个小读书笔记,毕竟我非常喜欢这个小说开始对宗教与科学关系分析的部分。 故事一开始,哈佛大学的宗教象征主义学朗顿教授接到瑞士欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)主任,离散粒子物理学家Maximilian Kohler的电话,为一桩明教杀人案件火速抵达CERN的案发现...  


天使与魔鬼是一奶同胞?有时善恶只在一线之间。 而科学和宗教的关系更加微妙,一直以来自己就是个唯心主义者,坚定地认为科学和宗教本来就不是对立的,在科学进步到一定程度时,一定会发现一线之隔就是宗教。世界上有太多人类解释不了的东西,而人类又总是自作聪明地试图用自己...  

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