Culture:Diversité et coexistence dans le dialogue Chine-Occident 在线电子书 图书标签: 文化 français Q钱林森 *南京·译林出版社*
Culture:Diversité et coexistence dans le dialogue Chine-Occident 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Table des Matieres
Prfface:Quand I’Europe Sortira-t-elle de son reve 6veili67
A1ain Le Pichon………………………………………………………1
On Imagination——A Correspondence with a Friend
Wang Yuanhua………………………………………………………6
The Genesis of Chinese Characters and Their Particularities
YHe Daiyun…………………………………………………………10
Ecrivains occidentaux face a l’&riture chinoise
Qin Haiying……………………………………………………………14
La langue informative、ou 6vocatrice:symbole,porte,lecteur
Jin Siyan………………………………………………………………18
The Philosophical Significance of Life and Death in the View
of Confucianism,Taoism and Zen Buddhism
Tang Yijie ……………………………………………………………40
Trois types de consideration sllr la mort
Qian Linsen……………………………………………………………45
The Fleeting Eternity:Different Concepts of Time in China and
Occident as well as Their Cultural Connotation
Yang Zhengrun ………………………………………………………31
Global Village and Cosmopolitan Person‘__——Unification of Chinese
and Occidental Cultures and Life Styles
Tong Xing ……………………………………………………………60
Rfflexion sur ie g6n6ral et le particulier de la culture face
all d6veloppement de la science et de la technique modernes
Yang Jian………………………………………………………………/1
Electronic Culture and Reconstruction of Contemporary Aesthetic
Conceptions--Understanding Contemporary Aesthetic Conceptions in
Pan Zhichang…………………………………………………………83
Form and Tao:The Meta-Concept of Chinese and Western Aesthetics
Zhao Xianzhang………………………………………………………9z
Doute anthropologique et liberation du signe
Alain Le Pichon………………………………………………………99
Another Perspective:A Transcultural Approach
Wang Bin……………………………………………………………105
De la diversite culturelle
Michel Wieviorka…………………………………………………109
La traduction et la difference
Xu Jun………………………………………………………112
The Collision and Blend of Western and Eustem Civilizations with
Particular Reference to Macao
Wu Zhiliang………………………………………………………115
D~senehantement du monde et rencontre des cultures
Jacques Poulet—Mathis………………………………………………129
“Connaissons-nous la Chine?”
yves Chevrel………………………………………………………132
“La Chine obseurcit”
Jean—Louis Schlegel………………………………………………138
Le doute et l’humanit~
Suzanne Bukiet……………………………………………………141
Le Voyage a Nankin
Bernard Chambaz……………………………………………………144
Nankin 1965—1996:M6moires chinois
Antoine Danchin ……………………………………………………149
Rencontre de Nankin
Thierry Quinqueton…………………………………………………157
Towards a Humanism beyond the Slogans for the West and China
Lindsay Waters………………………………………………………160
Catherine Guemier…………………………………………………176
Editer ensemble pour mieux vivre ensemble
Michel Sauquet………………………………………………………179
The Life of the Creator
Su Tong……………………………………………………………182
Global Consciousness and Praxis of Comparative Literature
Ding Ersu…………………………………………………………186
Qian Linsen………………………………………………………194
Culture:Diversité et coexistence dans le dialogue Chine-Occident 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025