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The Red Badge of Courage

Stephen Crane 作者
W. W. Norton & Company
1994-2 出版日期
337 頁數
113.0 價格
Norton Critical Editions 叢書系列
9780393964301 圖書編碼

The Red Badge of Courage 在線電子書 圖書標籤: StephaneCrane  美國  文學  小說  AmericanLiterature   

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The Red Badge of Courage 在線電子書 圖書描述

Like the Carroll volume above, this edition of the seasoned veteran provides a new twist. Crane's Badge was originally serialized in the New York Press in 1894, a year before the story was published in novel form. This volume offers both the slightly different serial version and the finished work. Though every library no doubt has numerous copies of Red Badge, academic and public libraries supporting American literature curricula should pop for this one, too, especially at the price.

Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

A classic work of American literature . . . in full, as the author wrote it. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

This is Red Badge as Crane actually wrote it. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Crane's classic story of Henry Fleming's rite of passage in the Civil War is superbly narrated by Walter Lewis. His voice is extremely versatile and expressive. Although Henry and the men of his regiment are from New York, Lewis's Midwestern accent ably conveys the rural character of the personalities in the work. The narration is done just as well; when hearing of the panic of Henry's regiment at the second Confederate assault, one can sense the terror that can so quickly seize and carry away men in battle. There is music interspersed in the action, usually to indicate chapter or side breaks. The effect is mixed. Some listeners (as well as this reviewer) may expect music from the period, martial or popular, rather than the orchestral pieces presented. The cover notes, for the most part, are equal to the performance. M.T.F. © AudioFile 2001, Portland, Maine-- Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

"the 'Kearny Patch' is even better known by its fictitious name, 'The Red Badge of Courage.'" --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

"Crane's staple gets a facelift here thanks to historical scholar Charles J. LaRocca and numerous illustrations." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

The long-lost words of The Red Badge of Courage restored to Crane's novel. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

One of those rarities--a new edition of a classic that really does make a major change in the interpretation of the novel. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

"As to 'masterpiece,' there is no doubt that The Red Badge of Courage is that."

--Joseph Conrad --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

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作者翻译得非常优美流畅。信达雅应该说到了雅的层次。 不过这本书不知道是不是有点过誉了。原作者写书时才22岁,阅历有限。天才还差那么一点。而且充满了心理描写,不知道和“等待戈多”是什么感觉。可能是所谓的意识流吧。关于一个青年在战争中的顿悟和成长的心路历程故事...


文学题材说来说去不过三种,战争爱情与生活。《红色的英勇勋章》无疑是属于战争题材类型,可它的独特之处就在于它其实是反战争的,它处处所表现的出的遗憾让读者感觉到战争是一件多么遗憾的事情,不论是对战争方还是战败方。 小说一开头,就是一群百无聊赖的士兵...  

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