The Sea and Poison 在线电子书 图书标签: 英文原版 日本文学 日本 文学 小说
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评分Pang of consciousness, inertia of moral values, banality of evil, the meaning of being a doctor: to heal or to kill, sin and punishment. Endo is ambitious enough to cover so many topics in a small book. The layout of the novel resembles the one of Silence, from an objective to a subjective perspective. It's a very heavy but thought-provoking work!
评分Pang of consciousness, inertia of moral values, banality of evil, the meaning of being a doctor: to heal or to kill, sin and punishment. Endo is ambitious enough to cover so many topics in a small book. The layout of the novel resembles the one of Silence, from an objective to a subjective perspective. It's a very heavy but thought-provoking work!
评分Pang of consciousness, inertia of moral values, banality of evil, the meaning of being a doctor: to heal or to kill, sin and punishment. Endo is ambitious enough to cover so many topics in a small book. The layout of the novel resembles the one of Silence, from an objective to a subjective perspective. It's a very heavy but thought-provoking work!
远藤周作(1923 - 1996),日本著名作家,文化勋章获得者。幼年皈依天主教,青年时期留学法国。其作品具有深刻的思想性,对哲学、宗教、社会、东西方关系有着深刻的思考,获得了芥川奖、谷崎润一郎奖在内的诸多奖项。
《海与毒药》是日本著名作家远藤周作根据二战时期日本对被俘的美国飞行员进行活体解剖的真实事件为背景创作的小说,于1957年在日本《文学界》杂志连载。 远藤周作自幼皈依天主教,大学主修法国文学,后又留学法国,从其生平作品之中可见思想上深受宗教和西方文化...
评分 评分日本的一个小镇上,生活着各式各样的人,就如同世界上其他地方的生活群体一样,有条不紊、日复一日平静地过着属于自己的安乐生活。在这里,有穿着白色作业服、细长狐狸脸的加油站老板给卡车加油,有长着凸颧骨、四方下巴农民脸的西装店老板踩着缝纫机,还有不善言谈、...
评分文/文小妖 “1945年5月,日本帝国主义已穷途末路,美国空军频繁轰炸日本本土。在一次目标为福冈县的任务中,美军一架轰炸机不幸被日方击中,十二名机组人员跳伞。其中三名死亡,九名被捕。在具有情报价值的机长被送往东京后,统辖当地的日本西部军司令官横山勇就下令不经...
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