The Flamethrowers 在线电子书 图书标签: 小说 美国 英文原版 Rachel_Kushner 美国小说 法国文学 库什纳 2013TOP10
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alternative art history 可以用来吐槽的不知道为什么得了那么多奖的 女摩托赛车手+land artist版的50度灰
评分1977年的意大利,激进的学生和工人掷出千万个燃烧瓶向专制宣战;同年的纽约,嬉皮艺术家用未上膛的手枪射向工厂女孩的下体,获取刺激的欢愉。Kushner用女性视角重塑了一个男权时代,风格化的语言更多地是记录而非批判。《卫报》评论说《烈火青春》是第一次由女作家创作出的Great Amercian Novel。主角Reno是一个性格温顺的小镇姑娘,在成为机车女郎之前怀揣艺术理想,通过几段情感经历(特别是意大利籍高富帅大叔Sandro)与纽约艺术圈有了接触,身边充斥着表演人格的艺术家和婊子,因此始终自觉是一个局外人。当她跟随车队来到意大利,很快就被Sandro劈腿,无依无靠的她无意中闯入了当地激进分子的团体。。。Reno的最大缺点是过于顺从不做斗争,她后来为此付出了代价。
评分It's the kind of novel that seems flavorless when you read it but all the emotions swarm back to you when you finish the last word. The grand epic of New York City and Italy in the 1970s.
评分Thin and unconvincing plot with interesting observations of important yet underrepresented historical moments; gets funnier towards the end. 主人公分不清真情假意,读者也一头雾水…"the novel too often sounds like the stylized voice-over narration of film noir, sardonic, self-conscious, very American"
评分It's the kind of novel that seems flavorless when you read it but all the emotions swarm back to you when you finish the last word. The grand epic of New York City and Italy in the 1970s.
《烈火青春》是美国新生代作家瑞秋.库许纳的第二本小说。她的处女作《来自古巴的电报》(Telex from Cuba)在 2008 年出版时就入围了国家书卷奖决选,酝酿五年的新作更是书如其名,本月初刚刚上市,便有如一把熊熊烈火蔓延开来,引起压倒性的媒体好评。「纽约客」杂志的首席评论大佬詹姆士.伍德(James Wood)竟然写了五页长文,对《烈火青春》赞不绝口。伍德被公认是美国文学品味的制造者,如此毫无保留地推荐一部作品,简直前所未闻!
设定在七零年代,叙述一个来自内华达乡下的女孩「雷诺」热爱艺术和速度,只身前往纽约,参与了东村和苏活区的艺术革命,展开横跨美国的摩托车壮游,后来与摩托车大亨之子、也是她艺术家男友的「桑卓」一同回到他的意大利老家,见证了当地的极端主义和恐怖活动,也不可避免地被卷了进去。这是一段狂野、残酷又欢愉的青春记事,以 70 年代波西米亚式的反传统文化为背景,描写纯真与激情的高速碰撞,创造力的涌动和艺术的爆炸,也攸关女性的成长与自觉,以及梦想、爱情、朋友与共谋者。
I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
评分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
评分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
评分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
评分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
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