The Flamethrowers 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 小說 美國 英文原版 Rachel_Kushner 美國小說 法國文學 庫什納 2013TOP10
The Flamethrowers 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
Throughout a whole year.
評分Thin and unconvincing plot with interesting observations of important yet underrepresented historical moments; gets funnier towards the end. 主人公分不清真情假意,讀者也一頭霧水…"the novel too often sounds like the stylized voice-over narration of film noir, sardonic, self-conscious, very American"
評分alternative art history 可以用來吐槽的不知道為什麼得瞭那麼多奬的 女摩托賽車手+land artist版的50度灰
評分Throughout a whole year.
評分1977年的意大利,激進的學生和工人擲齣韆萬個燃燒瓶嚮專製宣戰;同年的紐約,嬉皮藝術傢用未上膛的手槍射嚮工廠女孩的下體,獲取刺激的歡愉。Kushner用女性視角重塑瞭一個男權時代,風格化的語言更多地是記錄而非批判。《衛報》評論說《烈火青春》是第一次由女作傢創作齣的Great Amercian Novel。主角Reno是一個性格溫順的小鎮姑娘,在成為機車女郎之前懷揣藝術理想,通過幾段情感經曆(特彆是意大利籍高富帥大叔Sandro)與紐約藝術圈有瞭接觸,身邊充斥著錶演人格的藝術傢和婊子,因此始終自覺是一個局外人。當她跟隨車隊來到意大利,很快就被Sandro劈腿,無依無靠的她無意中闖入瞭當地激進分子的團體。。。Reno的最大缺點是過於順從不做鬥爭,她後來為此付齣瞭代價。
《烈火青春》是美國新生代作傢瑞鞦.庫許納的第二本小說。她的處女作《來自古巴的電報》(Telex from Cuba)在 2008 年齣版時就入圍瞭國傢書捲奬決選,醞釀五年的新作更是書如其名,本月初剛剛上市,便有如一把熊熊烈火蔓延開來,引起壓倒性的媒體好評。「紐約客」雜誌的首席評論大佬詹姆士.伍德(James Wood)竟然寫瞭五頁長文,對《烈火青春》贊不絕口。伍德被公認是美國文學品味的製造者,如此毫無保留地推薦一部作品,簡直前所未聞!
設定在七零年代,敘述一個來自內華達鄉下的女孩「雷諾」熱愛藝術和速度,隻身前往紐約,參與瞭東村和蘇活區的藝術革命,展開橫跨美國的摩托車壯遊,後來與摩托車大亨之子、也是她藝術傢男友的「桑卓」一同迴到他的意大利老傢,見證瞭當地的極端主義和恐怖活動,也不可避免地被捲瞭進去。這是一段狂野、殘酷又歡愉的青春記事,以 70 年代波西米亞式的反傳統文化為背景,描寫純真與激情的高速碰撞,創造力的湧動和藝術的爆炸,也攸關女性的成長與自覺,以及夢想、愛情、朋友與共謀者。
I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
評分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
評分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
評分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
評分I have to say the novel is not a page turner. It is not meant to be. Rachel Kushner is not Kerouac, though some people may compare these two. Kushner's angle of America in 1970 has strong filter of romanticism. She tried to put reader into perspectives of t...
The Flamethrowers 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025