Rebecca 在线电子书 图书标签: 外国文学 Fiction 小说 外国 读物 英语 英文原版 英文
Rebecca 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
评分some people think this novel is quite similar to Jane, while in my opinion it's quite different some people are haunted due to love, some hatred, some self-abased
评分The words which are used to describe the scenery are impressed.
评分The words which are used to describe the scenery are impressed.
Widower Maxim de Winter brings his new wife home to Manderley, but the quiet young bride is not allowed to ignore the memory of Maxim's first wife, the beautiful Rebecca ...
不会被掩埋的Rebacca ——我不信上帝信魔女 “Sometimes,when I walk along the corridor here,I fancy I hear her just behind me.That quick,light footstep.I could not mistake it anywhere.It;s almost as though I catch the sound of her dress sweeping the sta...
评分追忆第一次于文字中看到石楠,是在《呼啸山庄》广袤的荒原上。时隔多日,我如痴如醉地走进《蝴蝶梦》,走进了神秘的曼陀丽,蓦然看到,这里竟也有石楠,只是不同于那野性苍凉的初次印象,曼陀丽的石楠拥有高耸密集的火红,像血一样。 《蝴蝶梦》(又译《丽贝卡》)的作者达...
评分家里一本老版的吕贝卡,被中学时代那个嗜书如命的我,翻烂了又补好,再翻烂再补好……终于就这么彻底烂了。 其实很怀念那时候的我,一本书一读再读,仿佛那是全世界最珍贵、最好看的书,我总是囫囵吞枣式地读第一遍,再拆肉剔骨地读二三遍,然后在每一个闲暇时光,比如考试前...
评分 评分Rebecca,七个字母,一个女性的名字,再简单不过的书名。 然而我相信读完小说的人,当他们合上书后,看着封面上这个斜体的大大的名字,或许都会如书中女主角第一次在某本书的扉页看到这个一挥而就的签名那样,感到一种淡淡的残留的暗影,藏在这个看似普通的名字后面,轻易不能...
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