The Annotated Turing 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

The Annotated Turing

[美] Charles Petzold 作者
2008-6-16 出版日期
384 页数
USD 29.99 价格
9780470229057 图书编码

The Annotated Turing 在线电子书 图书标签: 计算机科学  图灵  计算机  turing  AlanTuring  Computer.Theory  数学  科普   

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十分强大,既博又精。根据个人能力和兴趣,着重看了第二部分,这也是Turing论文最独特,奠定计算机科学理论基础的部分,对Turing设想的‘machine'有细致分析。可看懂原理,但许多细节需动笔动脑才能消化(对部分细节我做了偷懒处理)。第三部分讲的逻辑基础虽然学过,可要看懂关键的证明部分还是感到头大(脑小还差不多),初略了事。对Lambda Calculus也有简介,其原理学习FP都有涉及,但更深了解其历史和更原始的代表还是让人颇感成就感。第四部分对于人工智能和哲学的思索趣点多多,也是这本书读起来最轻松的部分。以Diophantus首尾呼应,非常聪明。虽是本很学术的书,80%的内容都是理论,偏抽象,读来艰难,作者闲扯能力也不错,看到一些有趣的历史段子。对早期加密和解码技术也有较好的简介。

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(excerpts from my proposal for the book)

Anyone who has explored the history, technology, or theory of computers has likely encountered the concept of the Turing Machine. The Turing Machine is an imaginary — not even quite hypothetical — computer invented in 1936 by English mathematician Alan Turing (1912–1954) to help solve a question in mathematical logic. As a byproduct, Turing also founded the field of computability theory — the study of the abilities and limitations of digital computers.

Although the concept of the Turing Machine is well known, Turing’s original 1936 paper is only rarely read. This neglect may have something to do with the paper’s title — “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” — and perhaps the paper’s extensive use of a scary German gothic font. That’s too bad, because the paper is not only a fascinating read but a milestone in the history of computing and 20th century intellectual thought in general.

This book presents Turing’s original 36-page paper (and a follow-up 3-page correction) with background chapters and extensive annotations. Mathematical papers like Turing’s are often terse and cryptic. I have elaborated on many of Turing’s statements, clarified his discussions, and provided numerous examples.

Interwoven into the narrative are the highlights of Turing’s own life: his years at Cambridge and Princeton, his secret work in cryptanalysis during World War II, his involvement in seminal computer projects, his speculations about artificial intelligence, his arrest and prosecution for the crime of “gross indecency,” and his early death by apparent suicide at the age of 41.

The book is divided into four parts: Parts I and II together are about 200 pages in length and cover the first 60% of Turing’s paper, encompassing the Turing Machine and computability topics. This part of the book is entirely self-contained and will be of primary interest to most readers.

Part III is a faster paced look at the remainder of Turing’s paper, which involves the implications for mathematical logic. Some readers might want to skip these chapters.

Part IV resumes the more "popular" presentation showing how the Turing Machine has become a vital tool in understanding the workings of human consciousness and the mechanisms of the universe.

Although I expect the primary readers of the book to be programmers, computer science majors, and other “techies,” I have tried my best to make the book accessible to the general reader. There is unavoidably much mathematics in the book, but I have tried to assume that the reader only has knowledge of high-school mathematics, and probably a foggy one at that.

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图灵是一个有爱、但遗落了爱的人,普通而悲情,坚定而脆弱。 就像文章所言:“图灵将人与机器关联了起来”,这是当今人们记住他的最大原由。实际上,图灵的成就实在是影响巨大,任何赞美之词都可以毫无保留地送给他。 图灵的归宿是如此悲情,为助力人类由工业时代迈向信息时...  


《图灵的秘密》是关于图灵1936年那篇开创性论文的解读,内容很多很难,需要的背景知识包括数理逻辑,lambda演算,以及一些基本的数论。读完的笔记也许都会比原书多,这里想简洁或者宏观性地谈谈几个主角之间的“故事”。 实际上说争论更准确。 初(我目前所知道的),大神莱...  




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