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Dead on Arrival

Colin Gordon 作者
Princeton University Press
2004-12-5 出版日期
336 页数
USD 39.95 价格
9780691119519 图书编码

Dead on Arrival 在线电子书 图书标签: 美国  政治  Health  Care   

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啃书之前没像这本难过 写得超拗口 而且有很强的论证指向性 论证方式感觉和材料的堆积也差不到哪去了 读完2章弃


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啃书之前没像这本难过 写得超拗口 而且有很强的论证指向性 论证方式感觉和材料的堆积也差不到哪去了 读完2章弃

Dead on Arrival 在线电子书 著者简介

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Dead on Arrival 在线电子书 图书描述

Why, alone among industrial democracies, does the United States not have national health insurance? While many books have addressed this question, "Dead on Arrival" is the first to do so based on original archival research for the full sweep of the twentieth century. Drawing on a wide range of political, reform, business, and labor records, Colin Gordon traces a complex and interwoven story of political failure and private response. He examines, in turn, the emergence of private, work-based benefits; the uniquely American pursuit of "social insurance"; the influence of race and gender on the health care debate; and the ongoing confrontation between reformers and powerful economic and health interests."Dead on Arrival" stands alone in accounting for the failure of national or universal health policy from the early twentieth century to the present. As importantly, it also suggests how various interests (doctors, hospitals, patients, workers, employers, labor unions, medical reformers, and political parties) confronted the question of health care - as a private responsibility, as a job-based benefit, as a political obligation, and as a fundamental right. Using health care as a window onto the logic of American politics and American social provision, Gordon both deepens and informs the contemporary debate. Fluidly written and deftly argued, "Dead on Arrival" is thus not only a compelling history of the health care quandary but a fascinating exploration of the country's political economy and political culture through "the American century," of the role of private interests and private benefits in the shaping of social policy, and, ultimately, of the ways the American welfare state empowers but also imprisons its citizens.

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