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The Circle

Dave Eggers 作者
2013-10-8 出版日期
504 頁數
USD 16.77 價格
9780385351393 圖書編碼

The Circle 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 小說  科幻  美國  網絡  英文原著  外國文學  社會  英文讀物   

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社交媒體恐懼癥的癥狀全中......Sometimes I just want to be alone and not watched.


故事沒有講完 誇張版的現實生活 但誰有能說不是呢







The Circle 在線電子書 著者簡介

Dave Eggers is the author of six previous books, including "Zeitoun," a nonfiction account a Syrian-American immigrant and his extraordinary experience during Hurricane Katrina and "What Is the What," a finalist for the 2006 National Book Critics Circle Award. That book, about Valentino Achak Deng, a survivor of the civil war in southern Sudan, gave birth to the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation, run by Mr. Deng and dedicated to building secondary schools in southern Sudan. Eggers is the founder and editor of McSweeney's, an independent publishing house based in San Francisco that produces a quarterly journal, a monthly magazine ("The Believer"), and "Wholphin," a quarterly DVD of short films and documentaries. In 2002, with Nínive Calegari he co-founded 826 Valencia, a nonprofit writing and tutoring center for youth in the Mission District of San Francisco. Local communities have since opened sister 826 centers in Chicago, Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Ann Arbor, Seattle, and Boston. In 2004, Eggers taught at the University of California-Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, and there, with Dr. Lola Vollen, he co-founded Voice of Witness, a series of books using oral history to illuminate human rights crises around the world. A native of Chicago, Eggers graduated from the University of Illinois with a degree in journalism. He now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two children.

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The Circle 在線電子書 圖書描述

The Circle is the exhilarating new novel from Dave Eggers, best-selling author of A Hologram for the King, a finalist for the National Book Award.

When Mae Holland is hired to work for the Circle, the world’s most powerful internet company, she feels she’s been given the opportunity of a lifetime. The Circle, run out of a sprawling California campus, links users’ personal emails, social media, banking, and purchasing with their universal operating system, resulting in one online identity and a new age of civility and transparency. As Mae tours the open-plan office spaces, the towering glass dining facilities, the cozy dorms for those who spend nights at work, she is thrilled with the company’s modernity and activity. There are parties that last through the night, there are famous musicians playing on the lawn, there are athletic activities and clubs and brunches, and even an aquarium of rare fish retrieved from the Marianas Trench by the CEO. Mae can’t believe her luck, her great fortune to work for the most influential company in the world—even as life beyond the campus grows distant, even as a strange encounter with a colleague leaves her shaken, even as her role at the Circle becomes increasingly public. What begins as the captivating story of one woman’s ambition and idealism soon becomes a heart-racing novel of suspense, raising questions about memory, history, privacy, democracy, and the limits of human knowledge.

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The Circle 在線電子書 讀後感


读故事的过程确实会引发思考。从故事一开始就隐隐觉得不对劲儿——我大概也是属于对完全的透明与公开的网络人生不能接受的人吧——越往下看越有一种holy shit的感觉,心想这怎么可能,大家都疯了吗?直到有一天忽然意识到最近自己也是在网上看vlog看得不亦乐乎的呀。于是就一直...  


读故事的过程确实会引发思考。从故事一开始就隐隐觉得不对劲儿——我大概也是属于对完全的透明与公开的网络人生不能接受的人吧——越往下看越有一种holy shit的感觉,心想这怎么可能,大家都疯了吗?直到有一天忽然意识到最近自己也是在网上看vlog看得不亦乐乎的呀。于是就一直...  


Mae Holland, a woman in her 20s, arrives for her first day of work at a company called the Circle. She marvels at the beautiful campus, the fountain, the tennis and volleyball courts, the squeals of children from the day care center “weaving like water.” ...  


戴夫·埃格斯(Dave Eggers)的新小说是反映当今时代的一则寓言?对硅谷及其侵犯隐私的科技公司的一记透彻羞辱? 还是说他失诸正鹄,炮制出一部假模假样的乏味小说,既无法为书中角色注入人性,也未能把握其主题? 埃格斯备受期待的小说《圆圈》(The Circle)本周二开始发售,书评...  


读故事的过程确实会引发思考。从故事一开始就隐隐觉得不对劲儿——我大概也是属于对完全的透明与公开的网络人生不能接受的人吧——越往下看越有一种holy shit的感觉,心想这怎么可能,大家都疯了吗?直到有一天忽然意识到最近自己也是在网上看vlog看得不亦乐乎的呀。于是就一直...  

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