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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

J.K Rowling 作者
Pottermore Limited
2012 出版日期
0 頁數
GBP 4.99 價格
9781781100004 圖書編碼

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文原版  哈利波特  魔幻  英國文學  J.K.Rowling  小說  2018     

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( ゚д゚)再黑石黑一雄老師一發,羅琳的英文真的比您要好。






"It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good."

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 在線電子書 著者簡介

J.K. Rowling is the author of the bestselling Harry Potter series of seven books, published between 1997 and 2007, which have sold over 450 million copies worldwide, are distributed in more than 200 territories, translated into 74 languages, and have been turned into eight blockbuster films. She has also written two small volumes, which appear as the titles of Harry's schoolbooks within the novels. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through The Ages were published by Bloomsbury Children's Books in March 2001 in aid of Comic Relief. In December 2008, The Tales of Beedle the Bard was published in aid of the Children's High Level Group, and quickly became the fastest selling book of the year

As well as an OBE for services to children's literature, J.K. Rowling is the recipient of numerous awards and honorary degrees including the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, France's Légion d'Honneur, and the Hans Christian Andersen Award, and she has been a Commencement Speaker at Harvard University USA. She supports a wide number of charitable causes through her charitable trust Volant, and is the founder of Lumos, a charity working to transform the lives of disadvantaged children

For further information about J.K. Rowling, please visit her new website: www.jkrowling.com

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 在線電子書 圖書描述

Harry Potter is an ordinary boy who lives in a cupboard under the stairs at his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's house, which he thinks is normal for someone like him who's parents have been killed in a 'car crash'. He is bullied by them and his fat, spoilt cousin Dudley, and lives a very unremarkable life with only the odd hiccup (like his hair growing back overnight!) to cause him much to think about. That is until an owl turns up with a letter addressed to Harry and all hell breaks loose! He is literally rescued by a world where nothing is as it seems and magic lessons are the order of the day. Read and find out how Harry discovers his true heritage at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, the reason behind his parents mysterious death, who is out to kill him, and how he uncovers the most amazing secret of all time, the fabled Philosopher's Stone! All this and muggles too. Now, what are they?

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 在線電子書 讀後感


如果你想通过读原版书来提高英文阅读水平,来读J.K. Rowling的Harry Porter吧。这套书的语言难度不高,而且一旦被J.K.编织的魔法世界吸引,一切都会变得那么顺畅和容易。 如果你觉得Harry Porter的系列电影十分精彩,来读原著吧。电影由于受到时间和表现方式的局限(就像电影...


在哈利波特第一部中,有一面可以让人看到内心最深处的欲望的镜子。哈利在那面镜子中看到了自己一岁时便去世的父母站在自己的身旁。我很想照一照那面镜子,因为我不知道如果自己照的话,会看到什么。 那面镜子里的事物,我们是否可以选择呢?答案表面上貌似是不能。虽然很...  


开始读这本书的时候我才八九岁。记得第一次读的是第三本,坐在和熙的阳光下,细细地翻动它。阴暗的故事因为美好的语句而变得阳光起来。 但是,给我最深印象的,还是第一本。J.K在暗淡的小酒馆里一字一句地把将要闻名遐迩的故事写在一张张小纸片上,在我的想象中,那纸...  


很惊讶的是儿童文学可以做到这种地步 本以为哈里波特无非就是儿童读物,能有什么新奇,初看只是想打发一下时间,却再也放不下了。 薄薄的一本,一个星期就看完了,一直怀揣着要快点看下去的渴望,幽默,睿智,深刻,纯洁,充满了想象力 看的时候会不自禁地发出 阿。。。。哦。...  


在哈利波特第一部中,有一面可以让人看到内心最深处的欲望的镜子。哈利在那面镜子中看到了自己一岁时便去世的父母站在自己的身旁。我很想照一照那面镜子,因为我不知道如果自己照的话,会看到什么。 那面镜子里的事物,我们是否可以选择呢?答案表面上貌似是不能。虽然很...  

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