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The Invention of Nature

Andrea Wulf 作者
2015-9-15 出版日期
496 頁數
USD 30.00 價格
9780385350662 圖書編碼

The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  自然  英文原版  洪堡  曆史  外國文學  科技  英語   

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The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 用戶評價


這書的組織安排上大有問題,感覺作者根本就沒想好自己到底要寫什麼:說是科學史和觀念史吧,洪堡占的戲份太大;說是洪堡傳記吧,注水狀況嚴重,大段大段和他沒什麼關係,傳主都死瞭還能再寫100頁。而且讀完以後心裏産生一個巨大的問號:為什麼洪堡會從傢喻戶曉到籍籍無名(至少對大部分人來說)?這反映瞭怎樣的社會和觀念變遷?我覺得這纔是最讓人感興趣的,可書裏基本沒提。搞不懂是怎麼拿到這麼多奬的,environmentalism porn?


寫得比較雜 似乎是洪堡一生的事跡也不夠填滿一本書 而對於其他人物/事件的介紹如果是第一次看還有意思 如果本身就比較熟悉 就有些重復瞭


Such a great theme and character, too bad that the author didn't do the best job. First, this book literally make Humbolt the perfect person, it barely talks about his weaknesses, emotions, and is just full of praise and how big a difference he makes. That doesn't make him a full character, a true human. Second, the author jumped quickly from diff




這陣子讀得最開心的一本書,展示瞭一個胸懷天地大愛的人,是如何貫徹信念,剋服各種睏難,並終其一生燃燒熱情的。根據洪堡壓抑的傢庭氛圍和求學經曆、對藝術與美的敏感、迷茫期的鬱鬱寡歡、以及開創事業時驚人的充沛精力,不負責任地猜測他有可能曾是bipolar II 。本書作者文筆很好。

The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 著者簡介

ANDREA WULF was born in India and moved to Germany as a child. She lives in London, where she trained as a design historian at the Royal College of Art. She is the author of Chasing Venus, Founding Gardeners, and The Brother Gardeners, which was long-listed for the Samuel Johnson Prize and awarded the American Horticultural Society Book Award. She has written for The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times. She appears regularly on radio and TV, and in 2014 copresented British Gardens in Time, a four-part series on BBC television.

The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 圖書描述

The acclaimed author of Founding Gardeners reveals the forgotten life of Alexander von Humboldt, the visionary German naturalist whose ideas changed the way we see the natural world—and in the process created modern environmentalism.

Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) was an intrepid explorer and the most famous scientist of his age. In North America, his name still graces four counties, thirteen towns, a river, parks, bays, lakes, and mountains. His restless life was packed with adventure and discovery, whether he was climbing the highest volcanoes in the world or racing through anthrax-infected Siberia or translating his research into bestselling publications that changed science and thinking. Among Humboldt’s most revolutionary ideas was a radical vision of nature, that it is a complex and interconnected global force that does not exist for the use of humankind alone.

Now Andrea Wulf brings the man and his achievements back into focus: his daring expeditions and investigation of wild environments around the world and his discoveries of similarities between climate and vegetation zones on different continents. She also discusses his prediction of human-induced climate change, his remarkable ability to fashion poetic narrative out of scientific observation, and his relationships with iconic figures such as Simón Bolívar and Thomas Jefferson. Wulf examines how Humboldt’s writings inspired other naturalists and poets such as Darwin, Wordsworth, and Goethe, and she makes the compelling case that it was Humboldt’s influence that led John Muir to his ideas of natural preservation and that shaped Thoreau’s Walden.

With this brilliantly researched and compellingly written book, Andrea Wulf shows the myriad fundamental ways in which Humboldt created our understanding of the natural world, and she champions a renewed interest in this vital and lost player in environmental history and science.

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The Invention of Nature 在線電子書 讀後感




这本书买了一年之久,终于在疫情之间断断续续的读完了。合上书想的最多的就是人与自然的关系,像一个闭合的圆,起点终点连在一起,因果相关,我们影响自然的同时也被自然影响着。 洪堡的一生都在追求在自然中探索真理,发现自然的美,保护自然。也许每个时代都是如此,通过认真...  



非常精彩的传记,不只是关于洪堡的故事,更是洪堡与他同时代的人们共同的故事。倾情于自然的灵魂总是相互吸引。 洪堡生活的时代,正值工业革命兴起,科学蓬勃发展,这也是浪漫主义诗人柯勒律治哀叹“割裂与分离的时代”,人们正在丧失“关联万物的理解力”。 柯勒律治认为:问...  


1 1831年12 月27日, 22岁的查尔斯·达尔文乘坐“小猎犬”号帆船从英国朴茨茅斯港出发,开始了环球航行。他随身的行李中有一套洪堡记述南美洲探险的七卷本《旅行故事》。 达尔文后来说,“出于对这部著名游记的仰慕之情,我决定去游历那些遥远的国度,并最终志愿登上女王陛下的...  

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