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Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes

Ben Forta 作者
Sams Publishing
2004-4-10 出版日期
256 页数
USD 24.99 价格
9780672325670 图书编码

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes 在线电子书 图书标签: sql  计算机  DATABASE  MySQL  Database  SQL  数据库  数据   

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Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes 在线电子书 用户评价


哈哈今年一二月份没lock down之前居然还用上班时间的间隙看了看这玩意。这本书倒还挺适合初学者的,简明易懂,虽然学完一本可能也就掌握了职场需要的SQL水平的1%吧,太基础了。


力荐或许会有点过誉,不过跟 ben forta 的那本十分钟正则一样都不错!


A great book for starters. Covers the very basics of SQL. It only takes about 30 min on average for me to complete one lesson, including reading, trying out the codes, and sometimes doing some web search. Very suitable for someone with short attention span like me. Highly simplified regarding advanced topics, but enough to get your foot in the door


A great book for starters. Covers the very basics of SQL. It only takes about 30 min on average for me to complete one lesson, including reading, trying out the codes, and sometimes doing some web search. Very suitable for someone with short attention span like me. Highly simplified regarding advanced topics, but enough to get your foot in the door



Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes 在线电子书 著者简介

Ben Forta is Adobe Inc.'s Senior Technical Evangelist, and has over two decades of experience in the computer industry in product development, support, training, and marketing. Ben is the author of the best-selling ColdFusion Web Application Construction Kit and its sequel Advanced ColdFusion Application Development, as well as books on SQL, Regular Expressions, JavaServer Pages, WAP, Windows development, and more. Over 1/2 million Ben Forta books have been printed in a dozen languages worldwide. Ben co-authored the official ColdFusion training material, as well as the certification tests and official study guides for those tests, writes regular columns on ColdFusion and Internet development, and now spends a considerable amount of time lecturing and speaking on application development worldwide.

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Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes 在线电子书 图书描述

Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes has established itself as the gold standard for introductory SQL books, offering a fast-paced accessible tutorial to the major themes and techniques involved in applying the SQL language. Forta's examples are clear and his writing style is crisp and concise. As with earlier editions, this revision includes coverage of current versions of all major commercial SQL platforms. New this time around is coverage of MySQL, and PostgreSQL. All examples have been tested against each SQL platform, with incompatibilities or platform distinctives called out and explained.

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Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes 在线电子书 读后感


总体来说这是一本非常基础的数据库方面的书。这本书几乎涉及了SQL的全部内容。涉及的都不深入,比如存储过程、事务处理、约束、游标这些高级内容就只是一笔带过,作为一本初级入门书能够大致了解一下高级主题为进一步深入了解做准备。 在基础语法方面做得很优秀。SELECT查询语...  


刚拿到书,晚上躺在床上看,很惬意。 书很不错,通俗易懂,结构也很非常好,循序渐进。 虽然内容比较简单,适合新手,但是没有多余的废话,非常精炼,该讲的都讲到了。非常适合SQL入门,基本上一天就可以将书看完。 P31 表4-1中,操作符“!”,说明“不小于”,其中“!”应该为...  


刚拿到书,晚上躺在床上看,很惬意。 书很不错,通俗易懂,结构也很非常好,循序渐进。 虽然内容比较简单,适合新手,但是没有多余的废话,非常精炼,该讲的都讲到了。非常适合SQL入门,基本上一天就可以将书看完。 P31 表4-1中,操作符“!”,说明“不小于”,其中“!”应该为...  





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