Barriers to Riches 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
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斯蒂芬•L•帕倫特(Stephen L. Parente),美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校經濟學係教授。他因在經濟增長理論和宏觀經濟學研究方麵的卓越成就而在學術屆享有盛譽,並在American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Theory和Journal of Money, Credit and Banking等國際一流雜誌上發錶瞭多篇學術論文。
愛德華•C•普雷斯科特(Edward C. Prescott),2004年諾貝爾經濟學奬得主,現在是美國亞利桑那州立大學教授,並擔任美國聯邦儲備銀行明尼阿波利斯分行的研究員。他曾先後在明尼蘇達大學、芝加哥大學、西北大學、卡內基•梅隆大學等著名學府任教。還曾擔任經濟動態與控製協會主席、高級經濟理論協會主席、《經濟理論》主編。普雷斯科特至今發錶瞭大量的學術文章,涉及經濟周期和經濟增長、計量經濟學、一般均衡理論、貨幣、方法論和經濟政策。
Why isn't the whole world as rich as the United States? Conventional views holds that differences in the share of output invested by countries account for this disparity. Not so, say Stephen Parente and Edward Prescott. In Barriers to Riches, Parente and Prescott argue that differences in Total Factor Productivity (TFP) explain this phenomenon. These differences exist because some countries erect barriers to the efficient use of readily available technology. The purpose of these barriers is to protect industry insiders with vested interests in current production processes from outside competition. Were this protection stopped, rapid TFP growth would follow in the poor countries, and the whole world would soon be rich.Barriers to Riches reflects a decade of research by the authors on this question. Like other books on the subject, it makes use of historical examples and industry studies to illuminate potential explanations for income differences. Unlike these other books, however, it uses aggregate data and general equilibrium models to evaluate the plausibility of alternative explanations. The result of this approach is the most complete and coherent treatment of the subject to date.
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