The Experience! How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

The Experience! How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace

Lior Arussy 作者
CMP Books (2002年11月1日)
2002年11月 出版日期
128 页 頁數
161.00 價格
9781578203062 圖書編碼

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The Experience! How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Experience! How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace 在線電子書 圖書描述

"...a cautionary tale for the transition companies must make to turn cost-based 'call centers' into profit-building 'contact centers." -- Martha Rogers, Partner, Peppers and Rogers Group, and co-author, The One to One Fieldbook

"...a rare combination... a visionary approach focused around the customer experience, coupled with pragmatic lessons." -- Katrina Howell, Program Leader, Contact Center Technologies Research, Frost & Sullivan

"A 'must-read' for managers; this is a great guide for pulling the customer back into your management loop." -- Jerry Vass, author of Soft Selling in the Hard World

"Lior Arussy gets it... how, in our world of oversaturated interruptions, trust and true customer support are the ultimate differentiators." -- Bob Rosenschein, CEO, Atomica

..".turn your cost-based 'call centers' into profit-building 'contact centers.' A must-read for customer service professionals and their bosses."

Every page contains something that all business people--whether sole proprietors or executives in a multinational company--need to know." -- Ron Moritz, CEO, Moritz Technology Corporation, and Former Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, Symantec Corporation

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