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Dispatches from the Edge

Anderson Cooper 作者
Harper Perennial
2007-5-8 出版日期
240 頁數
USD 14.99 價格
9780061136689 圖書編碼

Dispatches from the Edge 在線電子書 圖書標籤: AndersonCooper  傳記  新聞  媒體  傳媒  biography   

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"The world has many edges, and all of us dangle from them by a very delicate thread. The key is not to let go."


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Dispatches from the Edge 在線電子書 著者簡介

安德森·庫珀,Anderson Cooper


他對世界充滿探索熱情與求知欲望,在報道中滲透進深厚的內心情感,舉世矚目的成功改變瞭世界觀眾看新聞的 方式。處女作《邊緣信使》高居《紐約時報》暢銷榜冠軍。

Dispatches from the Edge 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Dispatches from the Edge 在線電子書 圖書描述

In 2005, two tragedies--the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina--turned CNN reporter Anderson Cooper into a media celebrity. Dispatches from the Edge, Cooper's memoir of "war, disasters and survival," is a brief but powerful chronicle of Cooper's ascent to stardom and his struggle with his own tragedies and demons. Cooper was 10 years old when his father, Wyatt Cooper, died during heart bypass surgery. He was 20 when his beloved older brother, Carter, committed suicide by jumping off his mother's penthouse balcony (his mother, by the way, being Gloria Vanderbilt). The losses profoundly affected Cooper, who fled home after college to work as a freelance journalist for Channel One, the classroom news service. Covering tragedies in far-flung places like Burma, Vietnam, and Somalia, Cooper quickly learned that "as a journalist, no matter ... how respectful you are, part of your brain remains focused on how to capture the horror you see, how to package it, present it to others." Cooper's description of these horrors, from war-ravaged Baghdad to famine-wracked Niger, is poignant but surprisingly unsentimental. In Niger, Cooper writes, he is chagrined, then resigned, when he catches himself looking for the "worst cases" to commit to film. "They die, I live. It's the way of the world," he writes. In the final section of Dispatches, Cooper describes covering Hurricane Katrina, the story that made him famous. The transcript of his showdown with Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu (in which Cooper tells Landrieu people in New Orleans are "ashamed of what is happening in this country right now") is worth the price of admission on its own. Cooper's memoir leaves some questions unanswered--there's frustratingly little about his personal life, for example--but remains a vivid, modest self-portrait by a man who is proving himself to be an admirable, courageous leader in a medium that could use more like him. --Erica C. Barnett --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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Dispatches from the Edge 在線電子書 讀後感


在打开这本书之前,我本以为这是一本灾难与战争的记录;讲述作者亲眼所见的那些被战争和自然灾害所摧残的人的痛苦。但我发现,这其实是作者本人的回忆录。 在一次次报道中,他回忆他快乐的童年、他父亲的逝世以及哥哥的自杀对他造成的影响、他内心的痛苦与焦虑、以及他是如何通...  



柴静那本讲述央视十年历程的自传《看见》,可以说是曾经打在每一个中国人心坎上的一本书。 作者性质的成长告白,不仅是自我的剖析,更是社会变迁的备忘录。 在大量的新闻报道里,她没有可以选择标志性的大事件,而是记录了那些留给她强烈生命印象的人与事。 《看见》是我们大多...  



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