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Necessary but Not Sufficient

Eliyahu M. Goldratt 作者
North River Pr; Edition Unstated edition
2005-11-3 出版日期
231 頁數
USD 12.58 價格
9780566084508 圖書編碼

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Necessary but Not Sufficient 在線電子書 著者簡介

Eliyahu M. Goldratt was an educator, author, physicist, philosopher and business leader, but first and foremost, he was a thinker who provoked others to think. Characterized as unconventional, stimulating, and "a slayer of sacred cows," he urged his audience to examine and reassess their business practices with a fresh, new vision.

Dr. Goldratt is best known as the father of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a process of ongoing improvement that continuously identifies and leverages a system's constraints in order to achieve its goals. He introduced TOC's underlying concepts in his business novel, The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement, which has been recognized as one of the best-selling business books of all time. First published in 1984, The Goal has been updated three times and sold more than 7 million copies worldwide. It has been translated into 32 languages.

Heralded as a "guru to industry" by Fortune magazine and "a genius" by Business Week, Dr. Goldratt continued to advance the TOC body of knowledge throughout his life, building on the Five Focusing Steps (known as the process of ongoing improvement or POOGI) with TOC-derived tools such as Drum-Buffer-Rope, Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) and the Thinking Processes. He authored ten other TOC-related books, including four business novels.

Born in Israel on March 31, 1947, Dr. Goldratt earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Tel Aviv University, and a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy from Bar-Ilan University. He is the founder of TOC for Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing TOC Thinking and TOC tools to teachers and their students, and Goldratt Consulting. In addition to his pioneering work in business management and education, Dr. Goldratt holds patents in a number of areas ranging from medical devices to drip irrigation to temperature sensors. He died on June 11, 2011, at the age of 64.

Carol Ptak is currently a partner with the Demand Driven Institute ( , and was most recently at Pacific Lutheran University as Visiting Professor and Distinguished Executive in Residence. Previously, she was vice president and global industry executive for manufacturing and distribution industries at PeopleSoft where she developed the concept of demand driven manufacturing (DDM). Ms. Ptak spent four years at IBM Corporation culminating in the position of global SMB segment executive. She co-authored two books with Chad Smith - Orlicky's MRP 3rd edition and their most recent work, DDMRP in addition to several other books on MRP, ERP, TOC and Lean.

A leading authority in the use of ERP and Supply Chain tools to drive improved bottom line performance, Ms. Ptak's expertise is well grounded in over four decades of practical experience as a successful practitioner, consultant and educator in manufacturing operations. Her pragmatic approach to complex issues and dynamic presentation style has her in high demand worldwide on the subject of how to leverage these tools and successfully become an e-business.

She holds an MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology and completed the EMPO program at Stanford University. Ms. Ptak is a frequent educator at the university level and presents at many key technical conferences around the world including South Africa, France, Israel, Australia, Ireland, the Netherlands and nine APICS International conferences. She is the author of numerous articles and the books MRP and Beyond and ERP, Tools, Techniques and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain. Necessary but not Sufficient was co-authored with Dr. Eli Goldratt and Eli Schragenheim. Together with Dean Gilliam she updated Quantum Leap, originally written by John Constanza. Her most recent work, DDMRP, written with Chad Smith, is the most complete work on DDMRP. Ms. Ptak has lent her name to the internationally coveted Ptak Prize for Supply Chain Excellence that is awarded annually by ISCEA (International Supply Chain Education Alliance.)

Ms. Ptak is certified through APICS at the fellow level (CFPIM) and was certified in Integrated Resource Management (CIRM) with the first group internationally. Ms. Ptak was the President and CEO of APICS, The Educational Society for Resource Management for the year 2000. Prior to her election as APICS President, she served on the Society in a variety of positions. A highly accomplished author, lecturer and trainer, she knows how to turn theory into practical realities in today's changing organizations.

Necessary but Not Sufficient 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Necessary but Not Sufficient 在線電子書 圖書描述

After reading the newspapers and following the sharp oscillations of the stock market, it becomes apparent that hi-tech companies are of a different breed. Never before have the chances of making a fortune been so realistic and never before have large companies been so fragile. What is really going on inside these hi-tech companies? What types of pressures and challenges are they facing? And how do they cope?

Computer software providers, especially the ones that specialize in handling the data needs of organizations, are prime examples of these volatile companies. In the nineties we witnessed their growth from small businesses into multi-billion dollar giants. No wonder investors were attracted.

In 1998 it was easy for such companies to raise as much money as they wanted. But now, investment funds have dried up. Why? And more importantly, is there a way to reverse the trend? This book gives the answers.

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Necessary but Not Sufficient 在線電子書 讀後感


我也是从事企业管理软件(或者是说系统吧)的设计和实施的,整本书看下来,颇有共鸣之处。 【基点:盈利为王】 之前我们也是做一系列的价值分析,主要还是和书内所说的ERP系统可以“提高公司运作的透明度”、“缩短XX报表所需时间”、“简化很多人工操作”等等,但是,没有一种...  


计划以后每看一本书,都至少写一篇笔记,这算是计划的第一篇吧。 因为最近一直在关注ERP方面的内容,特别是在和学生开展《ERP沙盘模拟》、以及自己参观东莞等企业、自己所在学校的经历,发现 企业信息化 在提高生产率方面的重大改进。 但是,改进并不会由于使用了E...  


我也是从事企业管理软件(或者是说系统吧)的设计和实施的,整本书看下来,颇有共鸣之处。 【基点:盈利为王】 之前我们也是做一系列的价值分析,主要还是和书内所说的ERP系统可以“提高公司运作的透明度”、“缩短XX报表所需时间”、“简化很多人工操作”等等,但是,没有一种...  


计划以后每看一本书,都至少写一篇笔记,这算是计划的第一篇吧。 因为最近一直在关注ERP方面的内容,特别是在和学生开展《ERP沙盘模拟》、以及自己参观东莞等企业、自己所在学校的经历,发现 企业信息化 在提高生产率方面的重大改进。 但是,改进并不会由于使用了E...  


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