How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World

Birchfield, D.L. 作者
Univ of New Mexico Pr
2007-12 出版日期
352 頁數
$ 31.58 價格
9780826332318 圖書編碼

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How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World 在線電子書 著者簡介

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How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World 在線電子書 圖書描述

Will "poisoned" Indians conquer the United States in the twenty-first century? Is there anything that can be done to stop them? Can the United States's oldest and most loyal Indian military ally, the Choctaws, stop them? Or do Choctaws pose the most difficult problem of all?In this provocative and incendiary book, D. L. Birchfield bluntly points out what few are willing to say: America's population superiority is now meaningless; its population density is a crippling liability; and the United States has a dangerous "Indian problem."If you don't know about the American betrayal of the Choctaws, or whether Choctaws are still loyal to the United States, or why the third largest Indian nation in North America is virtually unknown to Americans, sit back and hold on as Birchfield pulls back the curtain to reveal a startling future, with an irreverence and disdain for convention that is anything but subtle.

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