What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

What to Say When you Talk To Yourself

Shad Helmstetter 作者
1990-01-15 出版日期
255 頁數
USD 7.50 價格
Mass Market Paperback
9780671708825 圖書編碼

What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 英文  想讀  English   



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What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 用戶評價


The power of positive self talk. This is definitely the life-changing book. Listen carefully what you say internally and what your hear externally, and learn to think what to think. Little change influences a lot.


The power of positive self talk. This is definitely the life-changing book. Listen carefully what you say internally and what your hear externally, and learn to think what to think. Little change influences a lot.


reprogram your subconscious mind or you will be reprogrammed by others.


reprogram your subconscious mind or you will be reprogrammed by others.


reprogram your subconscious mind or you will be reprogrammed by others.

What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 著者簡介

What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 著者簡介

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What to Say When you Talk To Yourself 在線電子書 圖書描述

Imagine relying on yourself to optimize your outlook, focus your plans, and keep you on top, in touch, and going for it You can do it, by adopting the simple techniques of Self-Talk, and understanding the power of key phrases like these: -- I choose my thoughts. No thought, at any time, can dwell in my mind without my permission.-- I have talents, skills and abilities -- and I'm discovering new talents all the time.-- I take time to listen and communicate. I'm patient and understanding. It's worth working at, and I do.-- I focus my attention on the things I can control. If l can't affect it or direct it -- I accept it.-- I know that what I believe about myself is what l will become -- so I believe in the best for myself.Acclaimed psychologist Dr. Shad Helmstetter shows you how to make positive Self-Talk a permanent habit. Give yourself the kind, loving, determined support you would give to your bestfriend. Harness the power of the ultimate motivator -- you

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