The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

The Fashioned Body

Joanne Entwistle 作者
2000-7-26 出版日期
264 頁數
USD 29.95 價格
9780745620077 圖書編碼

The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 社會學  時尚  服飾  設計/藝術/fashion/media  設計/藝術/fashion  理論  英文版  經濟學/社會學/feminism/人類學   

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The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 用戶評價


這學期讀的fashion studies scholar裏最喜歡的除瞭caroline evans就是entwistle瞭,extensive references!


這學期讀的fashion studies scholar裏最喜歡的除瞭caroline evans就是entwistle瞭,extensive references!


這學期讀的fashion studies scholar裏最喜歡的除瞭caroline evans就是entwistle瞭,extensive references!


這學期讀的fashion studies scholar裏最喜歡的除瞭caroline evans就是entwistle瞭,extensive references!


這學期讀的fashion studies scholar裏最喜歡的除瞭caroline evans就是entwistle瞭,extensive references!

The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Fashioned Body 在線電子書 圖書描述

The Fashioned Body provides a wide-ranging and original overview of fashion and dress from an historical and sociological perspective. The book gives a clear summary of the theories surrounding the role and function of fashion in modern society, and examines how fashion plays a crucial role in the formation of modern identity through its articulation of the body, gender and sexuality. In examining fashion in relation to the body, the book offers a much needed synthesis between the literature on fashion and dress, which has tended to ignore the body, and the sociology of the body, which has tended to marginalize fashion and dress. Entwistle shows how an understanding of fashion and dress requires an understanding of the meanings acquired by the body in culture - since it is the body that fashion speaks to and which is dressed in almost all social situations and encounters. She argues that while fashion refers to a specific system of dress originating in the west, all cultures 'dress' the body in the same way, making it a crucial feature of social order. Drawing on the work of Douglas, Foucault, Merleau-Ponty, Goffman and Bourdieu, the book offers insights into the connections that need to be made between the body, fashion and dress, arguing for an account of fashion and dress as 'situated bodily practice'. The Fashioned Body will be an invaluable resource for students and academics interested in the social role of fashion and dress in modern culture and will also be of interest to students and researchers in the areas of consumption, cultural studies, gender studies and feminist theory.

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