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The Making of the Chinese State

Leo K. Shin 作者
Cambridge University Press
2006-7-3 出版日期
268 页数
USD 119.99 价格
9780521853545 图书编码

The Making of the Chinese State 在线电子书 图书标签: 海外中国研究  历史  边疆  單國鉞  边疆史  西南  明代边疆,西南  边疆民族   

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The Making of the Chinese State 在线电子书 用户评价




"the desire of people in power to demarcate and to differentiate was evidently just as important a driving force behind frontier processes as their urge to integrate and to assimilate". I feel that researchers should be cautious to reach a conclusion about the subjective thoughts/desire/intentions of certain social actors.


"the desire of people in power to demarcate and to differentiate was evidently just as important a driving force behind frontier processes as their urge to integrate and to assimilate". I feel that researchers should be cautious to reach a conclusion about the subjective thoughts/desire/intentions of certain social actors.





The Making of the Chinese State 在线电子书 著者简介

Leo Shin

Associate Professor

Chinese History (with the Department of History)

Buchanan Tower 1223

Tuesday, Thursday 9:30 - 10:30


Leo Shin, Ph.D.

I am a cultural historian of China. I am interested in how the ideas of “China” and “Chineseness” have evolved over time, and I am intrigued by how the sociology of culture—the production, transmission, and consumption of beliefs and practices—has shaped not only how the boundaries of China have been drawn but also how China itself has been historicized. While my research has been centered on the later imperial period, I have maintained a strong interest in the more recent past, especially as it pertains to the formation and transformation of identities in what might be broadly referred to as the Sinophone world.

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The Making of the Chinese State 在线电子书 图书描述

In this well-crafted 2006 study of the relationships between the state and its borderlands, Leo Shin traces the roots of China's modern ethnic configurations to the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Challenging the traditional view that China's expansion was primarily an exercise of incorporation and assimilation, Shin argues that as the centre extended its reach to the wild and inaccessible south, the political interests of the state, the economic needs of the settlers, and the imaginations of the cultural elites all facilitated the demarcation and categorisation of these borderland 'non-Chinese' populations. The story told here, however, extends beyond the imperial period. Just as Ming emperors considered it essential to reinforce a sense of universal order by demarcating the 'non-Chinese', modern-day Chinese rulers also find it critical to maintain the myth of a unified multi-national state by officially recognising a total of fifty-six 'nationalities'.

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The Making of the Chinese State 在线电子书 读后感


单国钺(1967年-Leo K Shin)是一名香港历史学家,现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系及亚洲研究系合聘教授,主要研究范围是香港史、晚期中华帝国史。出生于香港,大学就读普林斯顿大学化学系,期间修读牟复礼老师的课而开始对历史产生兴趣。毕业后曾回港担任记者,及后再于普林斯...


单国钺(1967年-Leo K Shin)是一名香港历史学家,现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系及亚洲研究系合聘教授,主要研究范围是香港史、晚期中华帝国史。出生于香港,大学就读普林斯顿大学化学系,期间修读牟复礼老师的课而开始对历史产生兴趣。毕业后曾回港担任记者,及后再于普林斯...  


单国钺(1967年-Leo K Shin)是一名香港历史学家,现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系及亚洲研究系合聘教授,主要研究范围是香港史、晚期中华帝国史。出生于香港,大学就读普林斯顿大学化学系,期间修读牟复礼老师的课而开始对历史产生兴趣。毕业后曾回港担任记者,及后再于普林斯...


单国钺(1967年-Leo K Shin)是一名香港历史学家,现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系及亚洲研究系合聘教授,主要研究范围是香港史、晚期中华帝国史。出生于香港,大学就读普林斯顿大学化学系,期间修读牟复礼老师的课而开始对历史产生兴趣。毕业后曾回港担任记者,及后再于普林斯...


单国钺(1967年-Leo K Shin)是一名香港历史学家,现任不列颠哥伦比亚大学历史系及亚洲研究系合聘教授,主要研究范围是香港史、晚期中华帝国史。出生于香港,大学就读普林斯顿大学化学系,期间修读牟复礼老师的课而开始对历史产生兴趣。毕业后曾回港担任记者,及后再于普林斯...

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