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Worlds at War

Anthony Pagden 作者
Random House
2008-3-25 出版日期
656 页数
USD 35.00 价格
9781400060672 图书编码

Worlds at War 在线电子书 图书标签: 历史  世界近现代史   

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Worlds at War 在线电子书 著者简介

安东尼·帕戈登(Anthony Pagden),曾在牛津大学、剑桥大学、哈佛大学和欧洲大学学院任教,现在担任洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学的政治科学和历史学杰出教授。已出版多部关于欧洲民族及其海外帝国的历史著作,包括《帝国的重负:1539年至今》(The Burdens of Empire : 1539 to the Presemt, 2015)、《启蒙运动:为什么依然重要》(The Enlightenment : And Why It Still Matters, 2013)。

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Worlds at War 在线电子书 图书描述

Spanning two and a half millennia, Anthony Pagden’s mesmerizing Worlds at War delves deep into the roots of the “clash of civilizations” between East and West that has always been a battle over ideas, and whose issues have never been more urgent.

Worlds At War begins in the ancient world, where Greece saw its fight against the Persian Empire as one between freedom and slavery, between monarchy and democracy, between individuality and the worship of men as gods. Here, richly rendered, are the crucial battle of Marathon, considered the turning point of Greek and European history; the heroic attempt by the Greeks to turn the Persians back at Thermopylae; and Salamis, one of the greatest naval battles of all time, which put an end to the Persian threat forever.

From there Pagden’s story sweeps to Rome, which created the modern concepts of citizenship and the rule of law. Rome’s leaders believed those they conquered to be free, while the various peoples of the East persisted in seeing their subjects as property. Pagden dramatizes the birth of Christianity in the East and its use in the West as an instrument of government, setting the stage for what would become, and has remained, a global battle of the secular against the sacred. Then Islam, at first ridiculed in Christian Europe, drives Pope Urban II to launch the Crusades, which transform the relationship between East and West into one of competing religious beliefs.

Modern times bring a first world war, which among its many murky aims seeks to redesign the Muslim world by force. In our own era, Muslims now find themselves in unwelcoming Western societies, while the West seeks to enforce democracy and its own secular values through occupation in the East. Pagden ends on a cautionary note, warning that terrorism and war will continue as long as sacred and secular remain confused in the minds of so many.

Eye-opening and compulsively readable, Worlds at War is a stunning work of history and a triumph of modern scholarship. It is bound to become the definitive work on the reasons behind the age-old and still escalating struggle that, more than any other, has come to define the modern world–a book for anyone seeking to know why “we came to be the way we are.”

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整本书没有太多说的。 就是西方自由、东方专制的基本常识再讲了一遍。 当然有一些西方近代东方学的有趣内容。 但总体来看新意不大。 只是里面有个内容,颇为有趣。那就是关于早期英国支持犹太人移民巴勒斯坦的一段。 当时英国人认为,在奥斯曼帝国崩溃之后,该地区必然会陷入混...  





“恐怖主义”是怎么来的?东方与西方为何会有重重宿怨?“911事件”之后,这场劫难的幸存者、纽约市长、美国军方和总统都给出了自己的答案。作为一名美国历史学家,安东尼帕戈登(Anthony Pagden)也从自己的角度给出了解答。通过梳理欧洲与亚洲2500年来的战争史,他告诉西方...  

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