Indignation 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024


Philip Roth 作者
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
2008-09-05 出版日期
233 页数
225.00元 价格
9780547054841 图书编码

Indignation 在线电子书 图书标签: 美国  小说  菲利普·罗斯  Roth,Philip  美国文学  校园  我想读这本书  英美   

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Indignation 在线电子书 用户评价


最喜欢的真的是各种冲击混合的最后部分。突然插进一场骚乱我还在想怎么了Marcus是怎么被扯进来的,很好最后的篇章才是indignition真的rise了,这些青春校园时期人人都可能经历的苦水(极品室友?恋爱苦恼?父母皆祸害?迂腐教务?)在罗斯的炖煮之下,就像前一盒xx便当也发的突如其来,通过那些微小的甚至可以认为是荒谬的由一个个刺眼的感叹号组成的细线,直捣一个令人确实感到心痛的悲剧。校长的激昂发言后直切战争现场加以佐证再紧紧切进Historical Note加以颠覆,这一连几招实在把人震到。死亡是确凿的,摧毁性是毋庸置疑的,“莫名其妙,我到底犯了什么错”, 啊我真想帮Marcus叫一声,“问题就在写你的是菲利普·罗斯啊”。




Milieu shapes characteristic of Marcus,then society makes him a victim. You may indulge in deep sorrow if knows the ending beforehand. Marcus is a little self-centred but innocent. He has his own philosophy and judgement when he makes decision. Roth just prosecutes militarism, complains the war,makes roles sacrificed. whatever,you cried for Marcus.




“They'd just kept coming and dying, advancing with bugles blaring 'Arise, ye who refuse to be bodslaves!' and retreating through a landscape of bodies and blasted trees, machine-gunning their wounded and all they could locate of ours. The machine guns were Russia made."

Indignation 在线电子书 著者简介

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Indignation 在线电子书 图书描述

Against the backdrop of the Korean War, a young man faces life's unimagined chances and terrifying consequences. It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner, is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio's Winesburg College. And why is he there and not at the local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hard-working neighborhood butcher, seems to have gone mad -- mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers of the world, the dangers he sees in every corner for his beloved boy. As the long-suffering, desperately harassed mother tells her son, the father's fear arises from love and pride. Perhaps, but it produces too much anger in Marcus for him to endure living with his parents any longer. He leaves them and, far from Newark, in the midwestern college, has to find his way amid the customs and constrictions of another American world. Indignation, Philip Roth's twenty-ninth book, is a story of inexperience, foolishness, intellectual resistance, sexual discovery, courage, and error. It is a story told with all the inventive energy and wit Roth has at his command, at once a startling departure from the haunted narratives of old age and experience in his recent books and a powerful addition to his investigations of the impact of American history on the life of the vulnerable individual.

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Indignation 在线电子书 读后感


刚从葡萄牙回来,决定洗心革面,不要整日抱着笔记本或者看电影了。所以就从kanton图书馆借来了Philip Roth的这本。 和他之前的作品差不多,主人公是self-hated butcher's son, 愤世嫉俗,急于摆脱自己的背景而成为a whole new person. 无奈于, you are who you are. 急功近利...


刚从葡萄牙回来,决定洗心革面,不要整日抱着笔记本或者看电影了。所以就从kanton图书馆借来了Philip Roth的这本。 和他之前的作品差不多,主人公是self-hated butcher's son, 愤世嫉俗,急于摆脱自己的背景而成为a whole new person. 无奈于, you are who you are. 急功近利...


刚从葡萄牙回来,决定洗心革面,不要整日抱着笔记本或者看电影了。所以就从kanton图书馆借来了Philip Roth的这本。 和他之前的作品差不多,主人公是self-hated butcher's son, 愤世嫉俗,急于摆脱自己的背景而成为a whole new person. 无奈于, you are who you are. 急功近利...


刚从葡萄牙回来,决定洗心革面,不要整日抱着笔记本或者看电影了。所以就从kanton图书馆借来了Philip Roth的这本。 和他之前的作品差不多,主人公是self-hated butcher's son, 愤世嫉俗,急于摆脱自己的背景而成为a whole new person. 无奈于, you are who you are. 急功近利...


刚从葡萄牙回来,决定洗心革面,不要整日抱着笔记本或者看电影了。所以就从kanton图书馆借来了Philip Roth的这本。 和他之前的作品差不多,主人公是self-hated butcher's son, 愤世嫉俗,急于摆脱自己的背景而成为a whole new person. 无奈于, you are who you are. 急功近利...

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