What A Blast! The Explosive Escapades of Ethan Flask and Professor von Offel 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

What A Blast! The Explosive Escapades of Ethan Flask and Professor von Offel

Array 作者
Scholastic, Inc.
75 頁數
30.00 價格
9780439228565 圖書編碼

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What A Blast! The Explosive Escapades of Ethan Flask and Professor von Offel 在線電子書 著者簡介

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What A Blast! The Explosive Escapades of Ethan Flask and Professor von Offel 在線電子書 圖書描述

0<br > CHAPTER 1<br > ~he ~ful vo~ Offel~<br > hans was the ewe/ /n tf<br > ~Ar<br > rcana Public Library, To e le crown of th<br > from the shelf, Alberta Wong need"en take it dowl<br > her ~hooi Principal What s more ed a note fron<br >stood guard<br >journal He as She carefuljy leaf, two IJbrar an<br >Forester tlJ rlends, Luis Anti d through the<br > .,~ ,~, ~ over her~ho~ d~ a~d Prosco.<br >formulas . ,leV" Alb<br > venfi~n erta Said. "All of these<br > ist hlmsl~ sketched by Arcana s<br > ~lf."<br >"host bri/li~l<br > Prescott le<br >uy ~a d oser ,1<br >[i s n Jtl~ sn t that a drawing of a<br > s hat looks "oof during a lightning StOrm?<br >~eet of met; "ooking pot a ttad<br >~s, but that ~ot a s, ~ed to a huge<br > eieace gen/us like you<br > Let s ge ~eem Very sate to me "<br > not SUr, gall ,<br >er%r Who l berta "ftu the el , m<br > Lonlorro assroo<br > W IS a Professor<br >"

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