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Disney 作者
1986-1 出版日期
41 頁數
30.00 價格
9780553055986 圖書編碼

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ROAD TO READING 在線電子書 圖書描述

~~ A DJlOI/ICS metnoo works well with regular more enj% m,.r,<br > words, i.e., with words that follow the common ing all of th- --,.I J .<br > rules of sound-symbol relations. For example, to-Read Libr;~r ,<br > if your child Icarus the most frequently used<br > D~o~ pa~ent, -*art gtl~, you caX~ sounds of the letters b, i, and g, he or she can Alphabet Soup 1<br > ~~ ~, ,~,~ moSt umpo~ ~ ~eal challenge, blend those sounds together to pronounce big. child become ram , t ~,J ~<br > ~^ ~bflt~Y to reaa ,s .-Vm., rea6J~g fttn ~s ~ * It is more efficient to treat irregular words, the alphabet. Fr,,m m:,~:<br > give your c~"<br > e Bart axn Bo~k~s ~n~oalutan or words that don t follow the rules, as sight riety of vegetahh~ [ term i<br > ^~t this,~ : ._ ~ffortS to ur,*~,, ..~., words. Thus. words such as eight and ro~gh in all. Help vour child .,~ ri ,.., j, ,<br > mn help you m~ ~mbi~ed t~en- ~ *~,A.t, vrlll allOW .v~<br > -- .. a~,~dlos h~ve -- ___.lx~ et, oriee ~ *- are easier to memorize than they are to make one side of each picture :rod [h;. mat.<br > D~sI~eY ~ ,~ Of enOn~ru o _~,1 re0~lor.<br > i8.volurae ~n:~ become 8, eucoeSm~ up elaborate rules for. el case letter on the oti~er ~1 ]; . l~Ii. I<br > t,o help yoUr ,~ The act of deriving meaning from printed in a paper bag or cardh~,ard h~,x. uh<br > f~vor~.t~ D~-Sn~tc eor~cep) material is referred to as comprehension. Sev- the soup kettle. Take turns eh,,,,sm;<br > ,~ awrY co~- ,^ ~mforce u~ -~ ~oUr Beg~ ~ eral skills make up this important aspect of and naming the letter. For an ehler<br > m,, cons ~ren~ gut --- child th<br > ca~e~ ~-~,e,,enSao~ ~" -,~, for yo~ reading. First. the child must have a working may want to have him (,r her thh-~k<br > ~o~(~or Library oxp)~,o~s ~t~ each storY, understanding of many words, phrases, and that begins with that le[ter. Later<br > re~l.ung conCeptS w sentences, learned through listening and withdraw severa! letters and try t,<br > ~r~rtostlxTl::~T::Gurj.~god~d?~t speaking. Then he or she must be able to relate them to make wordb.<br > We a2e sUre ta~a ~ tl,As these meanings to new situations. Learning to<br > interpret pictures, recall details of a story, Body Language In order to rea~<br > rea~ng reallY ls ~ Sincerely, summarize the main ideas, make inferences, a story, yore" child mus~ move her o;<br > ~/_~/~.~ and draw logical conclusions are all pmx of fromlefftorightacrosseachlineofpr<br > building reading comprehension, from the top of the page 1o the bet<br > this activity to develop understandi<br > ~ma* arey Using the Guide sitional terms. Help your child ident<br > esident ard p~bllsher her left and right hands. Place a disti~<br > pr__tam publishing DiVision The following pages of this parents guide will ring, bracelet, or bandage on the h<br > ~aa, familiarize you with all 18 children s books in child uses for eating or ~Titing. Then 1<br > the Walt Disney Fun-to-Read Library and give child identify, the top and bottom of<br > you helpful hints for using the books with your Finally, have your child locate these<br > child. The books are discussed in numerical o~ sitions on varmus pages of the book.<br > der, and each book has its own ~wo-page<br > ~.. spread. First you will find colorful sample ~(/<br > pages from each of the volumes. This is fol-<br > lowed by a brief description of the book and a 1<br >Gi~ng Your Ch|ld ~ Good Start learn to name and describe these concepts us- list of the skills it teaches.<br > ing oral language. They learn to classify objects Next you will find a section filled with ideas<br >|n Re~d|ng and ideas and think about their placement m for reading the book with your child, devel- li) ,.,,<br > space and time. During later readiness stages, oping specific reading skills, and extending<br >Every day we are confronted with situations children begin to recognize that their spoken your child s understanding and enjoyment of<br >involving reading. From street signs to menus, sounds and words can be associated with the the stories through games and activities. Each .,~ .~,~ !~<br >from newspapers to job applications, we need letters and words on signs and food packages Suggestion has an educational purpose, but its ~ime.. [ ~:y~ ,,<br >the ability to unlock and understand the and in books that have been read to them. final selection was made because each one has I~ ~ " ~<br >printed word. It is never too early to begin to The period of "Beginning Reading" stm~s<br >develop this ability, proved to work and to be fun forlots of children. ~_ ~ ~<br > with the actual process of learning to recognize<br > Educators term the period of getting ready printed words and derive meaning from them. ~ :<br >to read, "Reading Readiness." During the ear- Early readers must learn to decode those funny Bonus Activities ~-~~-.~<br >liest readiness stages, young children use all squiggles on the page so that they can say the<br > heir senses to become familiar with people, words, aloud or to themselves. This can be at - Here are two fun games you can play with your<br >I,h. -,~, things, and events in their world. They complished in two ways. child to help prepare her or him for getting<br >

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