Guerrillas of Grace 在线电子书 图书标签:
Guerrillas of Grace 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
Why would anyone call a book of prayers, tutions and libelated ~ aptive nli))( h, )r icI h( , i)l~<br >GUERRILLAS OF GRACE? The two images, with his words and his lile A pr~mewe, lp~l~ rll<br >"guerrillas" and "grace," seem to be an unlikely, his effort was prayer, and it i~ lillle wc~rlde; Ill. iI<br >if not contradictory, conjunction. And yet ... are he taught his disciples to pr,~y.<br >they really? The early Christians (llldel xt( )( I~l .It I~1 r, IIIic ~1<br > Somewhere I read a description of poets as to Paul s battle cry: "For we are ~ot c()nl(,nc Iil I(I<br >"guerrillas of beauty." I suppose it is fitting that I against flesh and blood, bul again~l prirlc ip, ~lilic ,~,<br >can t find the article, or even identify it, but the against powers, against the world ~uler~ (~I It li~<br >phrase struck me and took captive a piece of my present darkness..." they, aloH~j with Chri ~l i. ~s ~<br >imagination, as if demonstrating the power of across the ages, confirmed the klea flint w~!, ire<br >the image. Or maybe it would be more accurate guerrillas.<br >to say the phrase liberated a piece of my imag- There are two or three chara~lerhti~:s ~)1<br >ination. I began to see "guerrillas of beauty" guerrillas that give particular relewlr~(:e tr~ Ih~ <br >as applying to the riskyand exciting struggles of use of that image to describe Christians. l~y~rly<br >people attempting to live out their faith in more of our usual measures, guerrillas are a wc ak~ r<br >free and joyful ways in the midst of difficult, force set against a superior and more organl/f!d<br >resistant, often even oppressive circumstances. I power, a power which exerts b(~l.h subtl~, ,~d<br >began to understand the phrase as applying well blatant pressures to conform. Such pr~.ssures ar~,<br >to people who pray and to the prayers they utter, not commonly or quickly perceiw~d or int~,fpret~.d<br > Yet, as important as I believe beauty is, and as oppressive, but frequently something in ffl~,m<br >as powerful as I have experienced it to be, I think is experienced as, at least, vaguely stifling to fl ~, <br >it is even more provocative to call those who spirit.<br >pray, and the prayers themselves, "guerrillas of Guerrillas, then, are engaged In the: ba~t!e<br >grace." to reclaim some territory, or som(~ part of life, l~r<br > The notion of guerrillas seems to be rooted a higher purpose, a truer cause, 1o wed guerrilla<br >in the ancient Judeo-Christian tradition. The Old w~th grace suggests that the truer cause is God"~<br >Testament prophets can easily be conceived of kingdom. Since the "principalities and powers"<br >as guerrillas doing battle with the established are never completely "ou~ there," bu~ also<br >powers of their day; and their thundering, poetic stomp and rumble "within," a signili~.ant piece<br >words and images surelycan be read as forms of of the life to be reclaimed or liberated is the pray-<br >prayer, Certainly Jesus was the pre-eminent er himself or herself, In an unavoidable way the<br >guerrilla ofgrace; he confronted repressive insti- struggle begins--and begir~s again ar~l again<br >
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