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Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure

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Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure 在線電子書 圖書描述

llnltrodtuclt~ion<br > Mistrust those in whom the impulse to punish is strong.<br > -- Friedrich Nietz.sehe<br > States has been on a rampage, kicking in doors and locking peo-<br > ple up in the name of protecting its citizens from illegal drugs.<br > Hundreds of billions of dollars into the Drug War, nobody claims vic-<br > tory. Yet we continue, devoted to a policy as expensive, ineffective,<br > delusional, and destructive as government gets.<br > The country began using police to control the use of certain drugs<br > in 19I4. But the "War on Drugs," in name and in spirit, started dur-<br > ing the 1968 presidential campaign, when the country discovered how<br > "drugs" could stand in for a host of troubles too awkward to discuss<br > plainly.<br > The war metaphor worked for Richard Nixon that year. It con-<br >tinues to work for politicians ranging from Jesse Jackson to Jesse<br >Helms because nearly everyone has found a reaso<br >appalled b their teen h~u . ~ n to enlist: parents<br > Y s o...lavmr, police starved tor revenue, conserva-<br >tive politicians pandering to their constituents moral dudgeon, lib-<br >eral politicians needing a chance to look "tou-h<br > , presments looking<br >for distractions from scandal, whites -- and blacks -- striving to "ex<br > ), ~ .<br >I lain the ghetto, editors filling page one, spies and colonels needing<br >an enemy to replace Communists,,,<br > The War on Drugs is about lot of things, but only rarely is it<br >really about drugs, a<br >

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