Gregg Typing for Colleges 在线电子书 图书标签:
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Gregg College T/ping, Series Five is a for the third semester Alier a briel rewew el and tape componel~t~<br >mulllcomponenl insirucllonat syslem de- basic production lechniques, each unit in teaching-learning sys!~rT.<br >signed Io give the sludent and the Instructor this ki] places the student kia dii]erent office<br >cl high degree al flexibility and a high situation where the emphasis is on such<br >degreeotsuccessinmeetingtheirrespective importanl modern office skills as edi]lng.<br >goals. To facilitate the choice and use el abslractlng information, decision making<br >materials, thecorecomponenlsofthisfeach seti]ngpriori]ies;~,workflow, followingdirec_ $i~l:*q:~,~,.~:, ,~,~ ~,:<br >trig-learning system are available either in lions, and working under pressure and wi]h The Gregg College Typing, Series Five<br >U kit format entitled Typing 75 or in a book Inlermpi]ons. system includes the Ioilo,,,dng additional<br >formal entilled Gregg 7"fpmg lor Colleges. components for use with either THamg 75 or<br > ~*~,(~4(."~ ~[I- [~(-~ ~ 0~ ~ :)iJ,~ ":~ Gregg 7"yping for Colleges<br >T~ LH~ ? 5 (TL,, E;i F,:,~t,~<d)<br >Gmgg College Typing, Series Five gives (T~,o ~.too~ FOD,AC~I) Recordings. The Instructional Record<br >lhestudentandtheinsiructor theopportuntty For the convenience el those who wish to ings for Lessons 1 75 consisl el 30 casseltes<br >tO oblatn a complete kit of materials for obtain the core inslyactionat materials in (60 lessons)that provide the mslmctions for<br >each of the three semesters in the typing separate volumes, the Gregg College Typ- keyboard presentation, skill building prac<br >curriculum generally offered by colleges, lng, Series Five system offers the following lice, introductibn to production typing (lei-<br >Each at the Typing 75 kits, which are briefly hardcover textbooks, workbooks, and self- te~, reports, forms, and tabulations), and<br >described below, conlatns a soticover text- check keys~ In each instance, the content oI limed writings for the entire tirsl semester<br >book. a pad oi workbook materials, a card- the Gregg Typing lor Colleges components The lnslmcllonal Recordings lor Lessons 7~<br >board easel Ior use as a copyholder, and a is identical with that of the corresponding 150 consist of 15 cassettes that provlde the<br >set of prootgutdes (self-check keys) to the pad or paris of the ~rping 75 program, instructions for all skill building practice,<br >practice and production exercises in the Tel"lbeo]ss. Gregg TFping for Colleges, production typing, and timed writings tor<br > the entire second semesler There is also a<br >textbook. Ietenslve Course contains Lessons 1 through<br > set of 12 cassettes (24 lessons) entitled Key-<br > The lext In each kit conlalns Instructional 150. The content and objectives of this two-<br >materials for 75 lessons, each 45 minutes semester hardcover text exactly match the board Presentation Tapes, designed for use<br >long. Each workbook--called a Work- conlent and objectives of the soflcover texts only with those lessons in which new keys<br >guide--provides learnibg guides, letter- in the ]~plng 75, Basic and Intermediate are introduced. The recordings free the in-<br >heads and other stationery for use in cam- kits. slmctortoworkwiibthe students individually<br > oven In a greup-inslruction sllUalion. The<br >pleting the production Jobs, placement Gregg Typing lor Colleges, Complete<br >guides, and other materials--including a Course confalnsthetext materials for Lessons tapes also provide remedial work at any<br >comprehensive simulation. This new edition 1 through 225. Thus It combines in one point in the course or makeup work lot<br >also contains a special section devoted to hardcover volume all the lessons conlalned students who have been absent<br >diagnostic typing, individualized skill build- in the three sotfcover textbooks included in Pmgre=is Folder. Two folders provide a<br >ing, and language arts. the three ~[ping 75 kfls, lesson-by-le~on guide to the lext activities,<br > I IPING 75, Kit 1: Basle. This kit provides Workloooks. The Workguide Inr each se- pedormance goals, and related instruc-<br > tional recordings tar Lessons l through 75<br >the text. workgalde, and proolguide mate- mester s work is available separately lor use<br >dais tar Lessons 1 through 75, Since this kit with Gregg ~Fplng lor Colleges. These three and Lessons 76 through 150.<br >is designed for the beginning student, its workbooks ore ldenticalin content and pur- Inltructofs Motellc[Is. The special ma-<br >major objectives are Io develop touch con- pose with those in the Typing 75 kits terials provided lot the Instructor can be<br >irol at the keyboard and proper typing Stall-Cheek Itelta. The Proolguides pack- used with either the Typing 75 kits or wiin<br >techniques, build basic speed and accuracy aged in the Typing 75kits are also available the Gregg Typing for Colleges texts. These<br >skills, and provlde practice in applythg those separately for those who wish to use them Instructional materials Include a key to the<br >basic skills to the production el tellers, tables, with the Gregg Typing for Colleges text- drills and production exercises tar each el<br >reports, memorandun~. [onn~ and other books the three semesless a book at transpazency<br >kinds of personal, personal-business and mas~ez s and a manual of leaching sugges.<br >business communications tions. A guide ib USing Gregg ~zplng, IPM is<br > GREGC~ T~ PING. IPM also available.<br > TIt~ING 75. Kit 2: l~tesmedlale. This kit (The MuHiraedio~ FoJ~mat)<br >includes the leXl workgulde, and prool-<br >guide materials lot Lessons 76 through 150. Gregg Typing, IPM is an audiovisoa] pro-<br > gram deslgued to enable the s|udent using<br >This second-semester course continues the ~P/p~g 75 or Gt~gg T~pLog for Colleges fO<br >development of basic typlng skills and em-<br >phasizes the production of various kinds el complete alJ. or gny part el a two-semes er d~CKN )~i ,~,I~ ~)GI,~E~t,~T~<br >business correspondence, tabulations, re- course by ~e l~divldual progress method We wish to express our ql?preclalion to all<br >ports, and forms ~rom unan anged and rough- (IPM). Each el lh~ two major pans of the the thai actors and students who have used<br >draft copy sources IPM program (ita sth and Intermediate) h l- the p.revfous editions and who h,~, e oontrtb-<br > c~udes g prgg~e..~ folder thq~ guRie~ and uted much to this Fifth Edition<br > ~ ~ ~mG ~tS, X~lt ~: E~en. ThJ~ kit which d~ ~;%e ~t~~;l~ut h~ ~lng the t~, we/k-<br >
Gregg Typing for Colleges 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025