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Political Handbook of the World: 1993 : Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations As of July 1

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Political Handbook of the World: 1993 : Governments and Intergovernmental Organizations As of July 1 在线电子书 图书描述

The effective demise of communism in 1990 and the proper names. Despite a number of international con-<br >fragmentationofthe Soviet Unionin 1991 triggered a series ferences on the subject, the problem is becoming more,<br >of changes in global politics of unparalleled proportions, rather than less acute, in part because of an increasing<br >With the abrupt end of the Cold War, the potential for tendency toward linguistic "nationalization". Thus cities<br >armed conflict shifted, for the most part, from the in- once known as Leopoldville, Lourenco-Marques, and Sal-<br >terstate to theintrastate level, with long simmering aspira- isbury are now styled Kinshasa, Maputo, and Harare, re-<br >tions for ethnic self-determination erupting in dozens, if spectively, while the former Republic of Upper Volta is<br >not hundreds, of new locations. Fleetingly, it appeared that now Burkina Faso and Burma is Myanmar; in addition,<br >the United Nations might be able to contain the ethnic throughout the Third World (particularly in Africa)Chris-<br >brushfires; instead, it slipped almost imperceptibly from tian given names are commonly- and understandably-<br >the role of peacekeeper into the far more challenging task being abandoned as lingering relics of colonialism. Another<br >of peacemaker, with results that to date have been mixed, problem turns on the use of foreshortened first names, many<br >at best. In the vanguard of the UN-backed global effort, politicians (particularly in Australasia and the Caribbean)<br >the United States has seemed bewildered as its humani- choosing to be known, for example, as "Bob", rather than<br >tarian gestures are increasingly reviled as acts of unwelcome "Robert", or "Tom", rather than "Thomas", while the Greek<br >intrusion, version of "John" may be rendered (in ascending order of<br > Accompanying theapparent retreat from authoritarian- familiarity) as "loannis , "Yiannis", "Yannis", or "Yanni".<br >ism has been a global proliferation of political parties. With And, of course, US President Truman insisted that his legal<br >communism following fascism into the dustbin of history, name was "Harry S Truman" rather than "Harry S. Tru-<br >autocrats of varying stripes have become phiralists or have man", since the "S" stood as an abbreviation of nothing.<br >had pluralism thrust upon them. In some cases, however, In rendering proper names based on the Roman alpha-<br >the demoeratic explosion has glven former dictators room bet, we have included relevant diacritics, where known.<br >to maneuver; in others, previously antidemocratic leaders The indexing of Spanish names has been keyed to the pa-<br >have been returned to power by democratic means. The ternal component; in the case of Portuguese names, how-<br >highpoints of hope bracketed by the collapse of the Berlin ever, the increasingly prevalent practice (to which we large-<br >Wall in 1989 and the signing of the Israeli-PLO peace ac- ly adhere) is to key to the terminal component, even i f<br >cord in 1993 have also witnessed a near-Malthusian popula- maternal. In some cases, the "family" name in the western<br >tion explosion tragically curtailed by widespread famine sense may be rarely, if ever, used, while the given name may<br > and untreatable diseases such as AIDS and drug-resistant be foreshortened.<br >TB, theuncertainprospectsofdebt-riddenless-advantaged In the transliteration of names derived from non-<br > economies, and a potentially irreversible degradation Of Western languages, we have attempted to strike a reason-<br > the earth s environment, able balance between the customary usage of the country<br > In attempting to assess, in highly compressed form, the under treatment and that of the international press. We<br > past and present politics of the global community, wecon- have made a particular effort to achieve some degree of<br > tinue a publishing tradition extending from 1928, when the standardization in the transliteration of Arabic names, al-<br > Council on Foreign Relations issuedA Political Handbook though complete uniformity appears to be approachable<br > of the World, edited by Malcolm W. DavisandWalterH. only in the rendering of Gulf Arabic. In accordance with<br > Mallory. Mr. Mallory became the sole editor in 1929 and currently prevailing practice, mainland Chinese names are<br > continued in that capacity until 1968. The present struc- given in pinyin, although Wade-Giles and other variants<br > ture of the work is based largely on the format introduced are utilized elsewhere. On occasion, consistency must yield<br > by Richard P. Stebbins and Alba Amoia in the 1970 edi- to an individual s preference (if known), as, in the case of<br > tion. Since 1975 the Handbook has been assembled at the Greek, choosing between Constantine, Constantinos, or<br > State University of New York at Binghamton, which, as Konstantinos. In some cases (e.g. Burmese and Vietnam-<br > of 1985, also assumed the role of publisher, ese) no distinction is made between "first" and "last" names;<br > The editors have attempted to make the textual infor- in others (e.g., Indonesian) the name may contain only one<br > mation current as of July 1, 1993, with major developments element, while in some the preferred form of address may<br > through September 15 also being noted (see page iv for be by the given, rather than the family component.<br > additional details on calendar coverage). In 1989, for the fifth year in a row, no newly indepen-<br > Amajorproblem facing thecompilersofaglobalcom- dent territory entered the community of nations, and it<br > pendium turns on the rendering of both geographic and appeared that the post-World War II march toward in<br >

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