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Selling power's best

Gerhard Gschwandtner 作者
1996-1 出版日期
0 頁數
45.00 價格
9780939613083 圖書編碼

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Cales success is not so much deter- Appraisal means examining your<br > mined by what we say to our cus- thoughts objectively, like "Is this<br >~tomers as by what we say to our- thought fact or fiction?" "What evidence<br >selves. Del Polito, a researcher who stud- do I have for my conclusions?" "What<br >ies thought processes, once wrote that we basis do I have for nry assumptions?"<br >experience our thoughts in streams flow- An objective appraisal can lead to<br >ing at various speeds, healthy thoughts after a sales call where<br > Dr, Albert Ellis, a noted psychiatrist, the customer did not buy, such as Tm not<br >found that we are capable of developing the one that the prospect is rejecting. The<br >two or more streams of thoughts, some- facts are that at this tinre he has no need,<br >times flowing in opposite directions, and he s only rejecting my proposal."<br > Thoughts, most researchers agree, Choice means using your creativity<br >have a powerful effect on our emotions, to expand the number of alternatives<br >decisions and actions. Many consider available to you. Choice allows you to<br >thinking as a manageable process; yet, change or reverse the direction of the<br >few effective thought management flow of your thoughts.<br >principles have been discovered If you ve read this far, by now you re<br >and very few of us seemto z.~-~.~ .~ probably realizing that thought<br >apply them consistently~~ management is hard work, but<br > The three most useful so are successful living and suc-<br >thought management tools cessful selling.<br >are Awareness, Appraisal Dr. Norman Vincent Peale,<br >and Choice. who spent a lifetime thinking<br > Awareness comes from about managing thoughts, readily<br >questions like "What admitted that manag-<br > ~ ing thoughts is hard<br >kindam I doingV of thoughts~r "Whatam 1 Awai fnfl$ tomes from questions work. "But, on second<br >experiencing right like UJhatkindofthouqhtsaml thought, * he said, "it s<br >now?"<br > experiencinq right now? harder not to."<br >

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