Intelligence in Animals The Earth Its Wonders Its Secrets 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
Intelligence in Animals The Earth Its Wonders Its Secrets 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
THE SECRETS OF<br > INTELLIGENCE<br > Scientists .rid philosoldwrs ,fi om the time of Aristotle to<br > A TM animals i,mflli- lhe mid-]Oth century believed that the lives of animals 1)uringashootingdrive two<br > [ ~ g,,nt? S~ icnfisls partridges were shot simul-<br >r ~ wh. ~tudx qhcm were guided by instim t alone. Then the Englishman Charh, s /aneously, one killed, the<br > ~ and flw way in other wounded. Ihe injured<br >which Ibm brhave cammn 1)orwin mode the daring assertion thtll oninlols can reason, bird fluttered away and was<br >aglcr Ol, art answrr. Solnc ,~ caught by tile retriever, bill<br >would sa Iha[ a ]lorsl: i~ returning to her master tile<br >intelligent hecausr it can respond to simple visiting South America, for instance, his dog came across the dead bird. She<br >(,mm~ands tram it~ rider: others argue thai atlention had been drawn m the behaviour stopped, recalled the colonel, evidently<br >il a hors~ was really intelligent, il would of a troupe of New World monkeys. The greatly puzzled, and after one or two trials,<br >no1 consem to bc ridden. And it lhc large- monkeys were given soft-boiled eggs. At finding she could not take it up without<br >b~ained dolphin is as intelligent as some lira they smashed them, spilling nmch of permitting escape of the winged bird, she<br >Iwlicve, why does i~ allow itself to bc caughi the conlents in the process. But gradually considered a moment, then deliberately<br >m nets and fl~en locked up in an aquarium? they learned m hit one end gently against murdered it, by gMng it a severe crunch,<br >Should a domestic dog be called intelligent something hard and pick off the bits of and aRerwards brought away both together.<br >because il gains a flee meal and a com%rt- shell with their fingers. They were also This was the only known instance of her<br >able home Irom humans? oflered lumps ot sugar wrapped in having wilfully injured any game. <br > Betore the English naturalist ~ paper, some of which contained The action of the dog in killing the<br > Charles l)arwin wrote and~ live wasps. In their haste to bird was decisive, Darwin re( koned, for it<br > published The Descenl of get at the sugal; the mon- ran quite contrary to the instincts of the<br > Man in 1871. scientists . keys were stung. How- breed and its training. It was further evi-<br > believed that an ani- ever, having experi- dence that animals can call upon higher<br > mal s entire life was i ~ enced a painful sting mental faculties. At the time, the sugges-<br > coltrolled by instinctI i .just once, the mon- Lion was tantamount to heresy.<br > - that is, a series of keys quickly learned Nevertheless, Darwin s views ope.ed<br > innate instructions to be more cautious, tile floodgates. By the turn of the century,<br > handed down from Before opening the all kinds of bizarre ways in which animals<br > geneladon to genera- paper, they would behaved were offered as evidence of theil-<br > Lion. Animals, they be- hold the packet to the intelligence. Some became legends in their<br > lieved, showed no signs ear to detect any move.- own time. Greyfi iars Bobby was one.<br > of true intelligence (an ment inside.<br > ability to reason); indeed, It was a rather cruel BELOVED BOBBY<br > it was the possession of this experiment, thought Dandn, q he year after Darwin published his great<br > quality that separated man from but it supported his theories, work, a dog was buried with considerable<br > beast. Darwin challenged this view. He Furd/er evidence came to his attention pore1) and ceremony in the Greyfriars dis-<br > propu~ d tl~at animals possess some pm~,cr from sources closer to home in England, trier of Edinburgh. The dog, called Bobby,<br > ot reasoning and that the differences in such as a resourcelul gain dog belonging to was a Skye terrier and he belonged to Auld<br > mind between man and the higher ani- a sportsman (:ailed Colonel Hutdfinson. Jock (]ohn Gray), all impoverished shel><br > reals, great as it is, certainly is one of herd from the Pentland Hills. Jock had<br > degree and not kind . I,;W,L~ TmN S I mN,.:~.:U (lied in 1858 and had been buried in an<br > Darwin based his views on obsen,ations CIt,,rb~s Darwin zotts ts I,:een Edinburgh dmrchyard. The event was<br > aained during his world travels. Whilst ,tud,.nt ql mtimal behaviour, witnessed by the vicar, by a gravedigger<br >
Intelligence in Animals The Earth Its Wonders Its Secrets 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025