Dangerous Animals Animals in action 在线电子书 图书标签:
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Introduction<br > Introduction 5<br > each has the same fighting apparatus as his rival. They are simply testing their<br > strength, in order to decide which of them is superior. Two animals which are<br > engaged in such fighting or threatening behaviour could not reallv be<br > described as dangerous to each other, either.<br > n this book we are going to look at dangerous animals. But what does the When we talk about dangerous animals, it s the ones which are dangerous<br > title of the book mean? We know that a great many animals are very strong, to people we re really thinking about. A wide variety of animals comes into this<br >Many can bite or sting, or are in some way better avoided by us human category, animals which people have come to fear and respect because of their<br >beings. But are animals dangerous to each other? A Lion may appear ability to harm or even kill human beings. Where do we start? The problem is<br >dangerous to an antelope, when it s out hunting on the African plains. The that because so many animals are considered dangerous, there are far too<br >antelope recognises the big cat as a potential predator, something which many to fit into this book. But just how many of these species reallv are<br >might chase and attack it, if it s allowed to come too close. So the antelope is dangerous? There s no denying that many animals do exist which can hurt or<br >cm lslm~tly on the alert and keeps its distance from any Lions it sees. But this is kill people, but equally, a lot of other animals which are generally believed to<br >part~ the balance of nature. The Lion needs food. It has to kill in order to be dangerous, are actually quite harmless. In the following chapters, we ll be<br >~ vive. looking at both kinds, and trying to sort out the myth from the reality. Over<br > When two animals do fight each other, they re normally members of the the ages animals have developed a thousand different ways of looking after<br >fame species - and there s usually a good reason for it. For example, two male themselves. We ll take a look at some of those methods.<br >deer may lock antlers in what seems to be a terrifying battle. The reason? The<br > are tighling over possession of territory, or a group of female deer. In the natural world, animals are rarely rivals of the same ammal species are well<br >Tho~h the battle may seem dangerous to us, there is little chance that the dangerous to each other. Predators kill onlv matched and rareh/result in much serious<br >oOlld~eMaitts wil[ serious|v hurt each otha, r Tha~ .~.~1! . ~.,t,^a __ a in order to sur~ir,~, rJ,hih, ha~Ilac ;,,,~ " :..: "<br >
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