All Color Book of Wine 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
All Color Book of Wine 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
_ tr<br >Drinking wine can either be a very simple pleasure or a very Southern France and North Africa where they were planted for<br >complex subject according to file individual. There is nothing the fir,it time.<br >simpler or less demanding than the casual acceptance and every Wine was probably first discovered by accident when a bunch<br >day enjoyment of wine in wine-producing countries, where a of grapes with burst skins was left for a period so that the juices<br >carafe of wine is a more regular feature on the dinner table than ran out and the wild yeast on the skins acted on these juices to<br >a jug o1" water. Equally, for the wine enthusiast, there is no end cause a fermentation. No doubt someone poured off fire result-<br >to the knowledge of wine to be gained and the complexities to ant liquid, tasted it, liked it, possibly enjoying a mildly pleasant<br >be unravelled. Eaoh individual row of vines in every vineyard sensation from the alcohol. However and wherever it was<br >and also each vintage produces a subtly different wine and discovered, the development of wine growing and wine making<br >-provides ample scope for the connoisseur s comparison and has been steady with only a few occasional setbacks. For<br >dalibemtlan, instance the Emperor Domitian in Roman tiaras, in order to<br > Today, for several reasons, an ever increasing range of wines protect the Italian vineyards, ordered many areas throughout<br >I r~m .very corner of the world is avadable to the consumar, and the empire to uproot their vines. The most recent parallel<br >there ,is ~ much greater selection now than there was normally was when, after the France-Prussian war, the vineyards of<br >n,ealhble to our grandparents. One of the most important Alsace were planted in inferior varieties in order not to compete<br >,nSosons Sot this is the technical improvement in the making and with the German wines. Over the years, the wine growers in the<br >bottling of winos, which now permits even those that are very different regions have found the vines best suited to their soil<br >~lioate .~o be shipped suceossfully around the wofldo There are and the type of wine that they wished to produce. Scientists and<br >in Sect ~ei V l ew ~nos today which cannot travel successfully if horticulturists have produced many new varieties of vine suited<br >,handed propedy. Another reason is that the enormous increase to special climates by crossing existing varieties.<br >tn rite worldwide wine consumption has meant that traditional The technology of the actual process of wine making has<br >~~as can lm longer supply the world s needs and the profes- improved dramatically. The handling of the grapes from the<br >lional 0Mne ,buyer must seek new sources from which to satisfy moment of picking to the final bottling and storage of the wine<br >Ire demands of lds ellantrle, is now much speedier and more efficient. The value of cleanli-<br > laitlJlly, this very increase in demand means that under that ness and sterility was discovered and also of careful selection<br >~ltde~t of~conomic taws - supply and demand - wines from the and ageing at all the different stages of production, so that<br >~adittonal, Classic wine-producing areas have risen so sharply in today any well made wine can be shipped successfully to any<br >t~iO~ that they are beyond the roach of many except for.ap~ial point on the globe using the latest methods of shipment under<br >~oasl.ons. controlled tanrparatures.<br > ~rltis great diversity adds another interest for the true .wine<br >4over - 4hat is~onstanfly to search out the best value for money The Cultivation of the Vine<br >~monget the many taew and often unfamiliar wines that are In addition to having a suitable composition of soil, the<br >m ailable ire him, indeed,it is certain that many completely new situation of the vineyard is important. The best vineyards are<br > ,areas ~vill be planted with vines in the near future, as the vine generally found on slopes facing south so that there is maximum<br > can ~roduce suecesffully given suitable soil conditions in any exposure to the sun. The slope is important as it helps to drain<br > lemperate climate, the vineyard and also equally important, affords a measure of<br > In the northern hemisphere, fire most northerly vineyards are protection from frost, as frost forms only in still air conditions<br > found in the Champagne coun try of France and Germany and which occur more frequently in depressions of the ground in the<br > stretch as far south as the vineyards of Tunisia, Morocco and plains.<br > A~eria, In the anuthem hemisphere, there are many vineyards Once these factors have been determined, the choice of the<br > in Argentina arid Chile, as well as in South Africa, Australia and vine is extremely important. In many areas of the world, par-<br > New Zealand. ticulariy in France, government regulations will stipulate the<br > We do not know when wine was first produced, but the permitted varieties of vine that may be planted in order to<br > earliest vines ~ern to have beerJ in the Middle East, and there are produce a particular named wine. In many areas, such as<br > references to vine~in aucienl writings and cave paintings. Remains Bordeaux, a vineyard will be planted with several different<br > sn g~,me ~/the Egyptian tenths seem to indicate wine being used varieties which, when blended together in the fmal wine, give<br > i<3r tonc~al purpuse~ a~, early as 3000 no .. Around 2000 nc, fire character sought for that particular district.<br > ~,, ;~, i~.r~ l~abylo, there were law~ governing the sale of wine It must be remembered that four years will elapse from the<br > ,~:,i ,, ~*~r~*i; I-r Ihc time of tl~e (;reek Empire, a thousaud planting of the vine to the first production of grapes suitable for<br > ~,~ ~ !.~i ". , m~- wa*; already art h-aportant factor and wine making, and six years before the vine is producing a<br > ~ ~! b/ I1.. G~cck~ and othe~ to llaly, Spain, reasonable quantity of good quality wine. Most vines today are<br >
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