Close Encounters 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 美國的華萊士
Close Encounters 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
FOREWORD<br >I t was half a dozen years ago that the notion of doing this<br > book lhst took root. And in that time I ve changed my mind<br > half a dozen times about whether---and how---to put it to-<br >gether. Simply writing it, of cour:,c, would have bccn thc most<br >obvious way. l hat is, writing it myself. But at the beginning, be-<br >cause 1 wasn t sure i d have time for the task, 1 worked with a<br >young ghost writer named Nell Offen. We had long conversations,<br >taping sessions, followed by months of waiting for the product of<br >those encounters. Neil and I became good friends, but somewhere<br >along lhc way we agreed that it wasn t going to work out.<br > So the following summer 1 settled down to have a go at it myself,<br >and by the time 1 quit 1 had put fifty thousand words to paper. But<br >then I had to go back to work on 60 Minutes, and the fact is that<br >the rigors of doing twenty-live or thirty film pieces a year for that<br >broadcast soaked up just about all available psychic energy and<br >made it impossible (at least for me) to work up the requisite ardor<br >~hat such an additional undertaking required. At that point, I felt I<br > had no choice but to abandon the project, or at least put it off until<br > a time ~hcn the ticking stopwatch of O0 Minutes was no longer<br > serving a:, lhc insistent alarm clock that governs most of my work-<br > ing life.<br > But my agent, Bill Adler, who must bear the responsibility for<br > inducing mc to do this book, was determined to keep the ,,~:nture<br > alive, and when Bill has his mind set on something hc is a very<br >
Close Encounters 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
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