Instructor's manual A contemporary rhetoric 在線電子書 圖書標籤:
Instructor's manual A contemporary rhetoric 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
]liil!~ iL ill ChLII]~<S th,qt ar(! ,qmL11] (~nou~,h Eo allow StLIIit!llL~<br >dlate ore principle at a time and put it into practico. ]<br > th( basic princtplos of the chapter arc these: ~[rst, ,o<br >n~ can be de, Fin(d; second, stud(nts can inastc~r the pv]mar}<br >s that produce Zood wr]tinz; third, writing; [s a complex a<br >lic proc~ss, but ono that ordinary p(,oplo can illldcrstalld all<br > There arc many kinds ol[ good writing and many ways of do i<br >~ach person has to l-~ncI out what works best ITor him or her<br >1o List1 |its or hor OWl] pcrcopt]ons~ (~xperionccs~ and rcsourc<br > I think the b(,st way to zct students to r{,[ax about writin<br >Ive them read the introduction to students and the lTirst sh<br >:on o~ the te~t. Then spend some class time tall<imt infor 4:<br >: writiny, and rhetoric, stressing that writing is right or<br > only in context. It is right Lf it is (,171:cctiw>; that is<br >~ts the lob done. Looked at from that point o[ view, un~r:<br >_ al writinX can be e[[cctiv< wr tin!,~ in some situations. (<br >;( yOU (lO not wal]t to Z]vc~ your studolltS tll~, [ii/proSs[on EIK<br >nre c, ncoura~;in/ or condonin[, lapses in spcllin!,,, punctuat[c<br >sage, but [ think you need to have a tairly r<laxed attitu<<br >t "error" in tll(sc first few weeks for at least two 17tkasoll~<br >t, you dollwt wal]t your studontsw tear of inal<in,, mistakes tc<br >bit their writinz; and second, you don t want them to fail<br >trap of equatin~ "~tood" writing with "correct" wrJt[n.v,, i <<br >tixio })Cill~ an)&qay~ collccntratc on InaliinlM thtql] <twalTc O[ t]i<<br >al abilities and how those abilities can be transferred fr(<br >ch to writing.<br > Point out to your students that thoy have been inw~lvcd ,,,i<br >oric iTor a lore : timid. Thc~y haw, talked pooplo into <ivin:t<br >]) OF paF(~l]tS illtO l(ttin /, thcl/1 hglvo ~t car; i/l~tlly O[ tllOllq tilt<br >t~d in political campai~ns or IMnd-raisin~ dlTiV{ S or with cc<br >r protection / ~roups; they have c~p].a]ncd the merits o17 l~,a<br >[s or ski:inz or [or~,i!,,n cars. Almost daily they explain,<br >,11c1~ or alla~yz( , ~n(l th(y (10 SO Without boil1?, conscious ol t<br >,ua~c or their r]wtorical strateAics. What the ,:,ill be do<br >
Instructor's manual A contemporary rhetoric 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025