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100 data interpretation questions for the MRCP

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100 data interpretation questions for the MRCP 在線電子書 圖書描述

ut llml. ;~; thu t:,L, or;~lot~, is ucquitin~ hlcreasiu~t itupo~t;mce in dia~no~<br >i~i t~um~r~,et+!c+nt, ;i bo,ak devoted to inveslig;.tlions ;trM theil intetplet;it<br >iustilied.<br > I hc ];l ~ ~ul ~1 the b~k is similar to that ,af tile wliltcn secii,an of the<br >R( t . I hc humticd que~lion~ ale divided into ten paper :-;" e~lch c,ausi~,l<br > I ((/,+ :rod ci~ht otNe, questions which include chemical putholo~)<br >iclnatoh~,y, ltH/~t llitl~liol/ tesIs, blood ~;iscs atlc] c;~rcli:.,c ~alheter dat;i<br ><,st ~,i the ,quc~,tiolis and all ~>lthc I( (; s are based on paiienls seen<br >~, H>, ~10tll uollc~t~tues, though obvitmsly some of the il/l)lIll/alioi1 [1;is<br >ld l~J be :dtclcd slightly to erml;le fair queslicms to be :isLed. As a resu]<br >+ii~c oi lilt cx;iinplcs may scorn Iather artificial Ol t~erhat~s loo +typic:ll<br > bc to;d. Never tlieless, we lecl ilial scicll ;ill ;iditl$111101/l is n~cess;lrv to<br >lStllC Ill~ll 11~t1/0 t)l IIW inlolin<lliol~ is iflOlCV;lllt of inisleuclin~.<br > [il cHch c+tlse ail~ivcls ;ll0 piovidecl ~.tiltt vheie tcioval~l the clillorciiti~ll<br >;i~m+sis bricl]y di~cussc(I. +lhc b<~ok is not intetklcd to be ;i loxtt~ook<br >~cl ~e li<~pe thai ally iltIoitnalion thai is pr~>vided in the ails ei$ is use<br >t)t0 ;IS :111 ;lid ill 11/0 1ocimicltle t)l iillorl)tolaticHl lJlan ~is ;i SOtllCO ol l;ic<br >/mvlccl~c.-I lie vot;lcil~ oievety ~ills ~er ]]a~ boon chocked catIOtuih ;ill~<br > lhis COlllCxl ve fir0 t~;uticulail ai~ltOlul to Otli cc)lletiouos l t)i [heir<br >:lptul ciiticisms, hi particul;ti we would like lu mention l)t .1 Silv:l wi~<br >ix icvic~ed the cheuiic~ll p~ltholo~y l)i 1) Saillsoil, Ih~ llactnatolc~.~ ~11<br >i R Sutton, Ihc l( (;+s and catll0i0t clala. ()[hci> who hay0 ~iveu eittw<br >iI:t <H Hctvic~ inclucte l)l K Venables, l)i M Brenner, l)r P Buli0r and<br >t A Scoti-Kc:lt. ()tii Iluuiks 7,0 i() K:uen King, Au~ela Millen and<br >at; Whoclel tcli lb piu~ the nlai~l.iscripl.<br > We should also dr;iw cllteniion to the MR( P canclictal0S who ;itlendec<br >>tirse ;.11 SI, Siephen s Ih)spita], l cmdot~, wllete lhe ~onteul~ of this bo<br >ivc I~ceu nsocl :is tc~ichin<D nlat01ial lor the l;i~t 18 nlonlh~. Theit cotlm~<br >ol ;tlW~I S I;iukii/~ in eu~oti(m!) dtirhl~ Otll ii1;.lil sessions tV, l~ o helped<br >

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