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Journey Through the Universe

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Journey Through the Universe 在線電子書 圖書描述

ramlmres and <rontrasts the jovian gas g|ants--Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and<br > Neplune. Chapter 9 looks at the minor worlds~Mercury, Pinto, Earth s<br > Moon. and the major satellites of jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. Chapter I 0<br > spotlights comets and meteoroids, the solar system s vagabonds.<br > Moving outward, Chapters 11 through 16 discuss all aspects of stars.<br > Chapter 11 begins by presentmg observational traits of stars--their colors,<br > types, and groupings. Chapter 12 shows how we measure the distance and<br > brighmess of stars. Chapter 13 provides a detailed look at the most familiar<br > star. our Sun. Chapter 14 answers the quesuon of how stars shine and<br > reveals ,hat all stars have life cycles. Cbapter 15 tells what happens when<br > stars die and describes some of the peculiar objects that violent stellar death<br > ( a Jr ( reatt , including neutron stars and pulsars. Chapter 16 focuses on black<br > h,,les Ihe most bizarre objects to result from explosive star death.<br > ks w,. explore further. Chapter 17 describes the parts of the Milky Way<br > .,, ,~,Jc~ ~,., plate in it. Chapter 18 pushes beyond the Milky Way to<br > ., ,._,.da~ics rn general, the fnndamental building blocks of the Uni-<br > , ~ ,~., 19 looks al qu;tsars, enigmatic high-energy objects that<br > . :.,h I the key to tmder~tanding how tbe Universe of galaxies came<br > h,ptcr 20 considers the uhimate question of cosmologk;fl<br > ::~ :h /i.e recent findings and current tbeories. Lastly, as a coda<br > ,. :~ ,I,, avs intriguing search for extraterrestrial intelligence i~<br > -, ::,~,,~,se offers instructors a short te~t with complete b~ t<br > ~~t- ,, ,, ,~m c)r astronotmcal topics. An early discussion oft],,<br > ,,. ~1,, ,,I .,~ ~ its importa~ce in the verifica~.ion of observatiot, .<br > ,~ ~ ~. ~ ,, t~p-lo-date coverage of all important findings a~, I<br > ,ct~ h ,, ..~,~1~,.~ of results of the Voyager flybys of Uranus al~ i<br > .~-~ ra(l~Jr st. Oies ofVem~s lrom the Magellan orbiter, the impo -<br > I- .,an-tilt(- t.~ttlls and their implication for cosmological theoric ,<br > ,x~lll~ mnnbeJ of significant findings from the Hubble Spa,<br > I ht (h~t,n:r~ on terrestrial planets, jovian planets, and smalh<br > ,I pi;~t,ets allow for a comparative planetology approach to tl-"<br > ~h~<br > ,~ ,GY<br > " , ~, ~, motivational features introduced in Journey Through the Unive, ,e<br > .,, 1:,,, t~s Essays and Interviews. Each Focus Essay introduces a fundame~,-<br > I~0 ztslr,,~omicat concept--time, distance, mass, power, and space and a( ts<br > as., p~ elude to the chapters lbllowing it. The questions arising from thes( <br > c,mcel,ts have fascinated and preoccupied astronomers for centuries, but it<br > bas been twentieth-century astronomers who have begun to solve many of<br > the mysteries posed by these deceptively simple ideas. These concepts also<br > function as major themes in astronomical research, which are echoed<br > throughout the text.<br > Each of the five Interviews presents a notable researcher (Jeff Hoff<br > man, Carolyn Porco, Ben Peery, William Fowler, and Sandra Faber) e,t-<br > gaged in conversatior~ about a variety of topics: current and future work in<br > astronomy, what led that person to study and pursue astronomy as a career,<br > why learning about astronomy is an important scientific and human en-<br > deavor. It hits been fun tot me to conduct this series of interviews with such<br > a talented and varied group of astronomers. 1 hooe that you enjoy reading<br >

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