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To Dance With Kings: A Novel of Versailles

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To Dance With Kings: A Novel of Versailles 在線電子書 圖書描述

From Publishers Weekly Her storytelling skills displayed with panache in this captivating historical novel, British author Laker ( The Silver Touch ) should gain an appreciative audience here. Set during the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XVI, the sweeping saga takes place mainly in the Chateau of Versailles and the surrounding town from which the magnificent edifice took its name. The narrative is enriched with intriguing period details, and beautifully paced with fast-moving events, drama and romance. Spanning four generations, the protagonists are the women of one family, named, in turn, Marguerite, Jasmin, Violette and Rose, all of whose destinies are entwined with those of their monarchs as well as the dashing men who bring them love and heartache. Involving her heroines in the art of fan-making, Laker interpolates fascinating information about the fashions of the time and the codes of social etiquette. The sybaritic luxuries of the French Court are set against the brutalities of the Huguenot persecution and the barbaric excesses of the Revolution. If the ending is a bit pat, with a destined love affair coming full circle, readers enraptured by Laker's romantic imagination will not care. Literary Guild dual main selection; major ad/promo. Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc. From Library Journal Laker's paean to Versailles is the story of several generations of two families: the French royal family from the reign of the Sun King through Louis XVI, and that of a fan maker from the nearby village. But the main character is Versailles itself. While not all the action takes place at the palace, it is the focal point of the novel. The novel is also a romance that comes full circle during the French Revolution. In between are great loves and losses, as the fan maker's descendants are drawn into court life and the family fortunes rise. Nicely done and certain to please readers of Laker's earlier books (e.g. , Banners of Silk, The Silver Touch) , as well as win new fans. Literary Guild dual main selection. Andrea Lee Shuey, Dallas P.L.Copyright 1988 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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