Insite97 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025


Susan Buck-Morss 作者
Installation Gallery
1997 出版日期
0 页数
54.00 价格
9780964255432 图书编码

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Insite97 在线电子书 图书描述

Pero tampoco esta es la finica frontera posible, inSITE97<br >convoc6 a m~is de cincuenta artistas de once paises del<br >continente. Todos ellos compartieron entre siy la comu-<br >nidad sus modos de ver, de pensar la experiencia de la<br >frontera. Todos nuestros paises, hoy como nunca, viven<br >muy de cerca el fen6meno de la frontera como resultado<br >de la globalizaci6n. De un extremo a otro de Am6rica<br >hay y habr~i mercados de libre comercio, movimientos<br >de capital, relaciones, compromisos que representan<br >riesgos y oportunidades. Las fronteras, se decia, separa-<br >ban y unian; ahora se dice que las fronteras se est~n des-<br >dibujando. La verdad es que la frontera, como concepto,<br >ha venido extendi6ndose, ensanchfindose; ha venido<br >constituy6ndose, ella misma, en una nueva realidad cul-<br >tural, inSITE, des& un principio adopt6 el prop6sito de<br >generar ese conocimiento en una regi6n pot demfis<br >vigorosa y prometedora del continente.<br >inSITE is an avenue for disseminating culture and<br >the arts. In this it is not unique; it is neither the first nor<br >the only such channel to appear along this border that<br >marks the end, and also the beginning, of two nations,<br >two cultures, inSITE expresses and imagines this region<br >at the same time that it is itself the product of the<br >expressions and imaginings of those who make their<br >lives here. Authentically binational, inSITE cannot be<br >described as either Mexican, American, or Chicano.<br >Rather it is a product, and a producer, of the rich social<br >encounter that is the Tijuana-San Diego community.<br >Nor is inSITE s identification with public art arbitrary.<br >inSITE s component elements tend to take place in<br >open spaces, to form part of the hustle and bustle of<br >daily life. In this sense, the most appropriate arena for<br >artistic expression may be the one that is created by<br >people in motion.<br >This border is not the only frontier, inSITE97 brought<br >together over fifty artists from eleven countries of the<br >Americas, who shared with one another and with the<br >community their vision, perception, and experience of<br >the border. Today as never before, all countries are expe-<br >riencing the reality of life on the edge of a frontier--one<br >result of the process of globalization. From one end of<br >the Americas to the other, there are freely moving flows<br >of trade and investment capital, social networks, mutu-<br >al commitments that present risks and opportunities.<br >Borders, the saying goes, both separate and unite. Yet<br >the saying needs to be amended, since borders are grad-<br >ually being erased, even as the concept of border broad-<br >ens in meaning in the face of a new cultural reality.<br >From the start, inSITE has operated in this edgy terrain,<br >in a region that is one of the most vigorous and promis-<br >ing on the continent.<br >

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