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Spiritual parenting in the New Age 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

Spiritual parenting in the New Age

Anne Carson 作者
1989-1 出版日期
0 页数
42.00 价格
9780895943576 图书编码

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Spiritual parenting in the New Age 在线电子书 图书描述

Parents as Guides <br >Whatever spiritual path is chosen, a child s first teachers are<br > its parents. Educators from all traditions emphasize that the<br > child s true attitude toward the role of spirituality in life, as<br >well as her understanding of what it means to be a good and<br >moral person, will ultimately derive not from teachers but<br >from parents. If a parent has a serious, sincere, and humble<br >attitude towards the spiritual life, the child will grow up with<br >a respect and appreciation for religion, even if she does not<br >share the ~arents beliefs.<br > Thoma~ Armstrong stresses in The Radiant Child, "The<br >important q~estion is not Should I send my child to church? <br >but What is my own attitude towards life s great mysteries<br >and how do I want to communicate with my child about these<br >things?"1<br > We, too, were children once, and when we look back upon<br >our own upbringing it is not Sunday school we recall so much<br >as the daily, weekly, and yearly round of spirituality within<br >our families, which may have included daily prayers, attend-<br >ing services together, celebrating major holidays with com-<br >munity gatherings and special family customs, and having<br >intense discussions with our parents and friends about God<br >and heaven and ethical behavior. It is the philosophy we learn<br >at home that sets the stage for our future spiritual journey.<br > In the essays which begin this book, we encounter several<br >different approaches to sharing spirituality with children.<br >Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh calls every parent to be a bea-<br >con of peace, love, and light, reminding us of that very diffi-<br >cult dictum that without peace in our hearts and our homes,<br >we cannot hope to establish peace among nations. Just as<br >martial artists teach that the karate match is decided even<br >before the opponents bow to each other, Nhat Hanh teaches<br >us that the relationship between parent and child begins<br ><br >

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