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I Love Chicago Guide

Marilyn J. Appleberg 作者
1993-5 出版日期
0 頁數
27.00 價格
9780020971924 圖書編碼

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Basic Information Helpful Hlnts-Parklng<br >Chicago s streets are laid out in a grid pattern. In<br >the Loop (south of the Chicago River), State<br >Street (which runs north-south) and Madison<br >Street (which runs east-west) are the central di-<br >viding points. So north and south street numbers<br >ascend as you move away from Madison, east<br >and west ascend as you move away from State.<br >Each block is represented by a hundred num-<br >ber; eight city blocks (or 800 numbers) equal<br >one mile. Michigan Avenue (north of the Chi-<br >cago River) is downtown Chicago s main thor-<br >oughfare. One more helpful hint: The Lake is<br >east--always.<br >Although the city of Chicago covers an area of<br >approximately 25 miles to the north and south<br >and 15 miles to the west, the major sites are<br >located in a relatively concentrated area: the<br >Loop with the financial district and retailing gi-<br >ants, and Michigan Avenue and the Near North<br >Side with shopping and dining delights. If you<br >have a car, my suggestion is to park it. Given<br >good weather and an unhurried schedule, walk-<br >ing is the best way to discover all that is special<br >about Chicago.<br > The next-best way to get around is by the very<br >extensive mass-transit system. Buses may be<br >slow, but the el (elevated trains) may be too fast<br >for some; both offer a view while getting you to<br >your destination. Taxis are expensive, and they<br >charge extra for each additional passenger.<br > The Mayor s Office of Inquiry & Information,<br >City Hall, Room 100, Chicago IL 60602, (312)<br >744-5000, will supply a map of the city s Bikeway<br >System and its rules, if you would like to get<br >around on two wheels.<br >The best time to visit Chicago from a weather<br >standpoint is autumn--when it s dry and the tem-<br >peratures are in the high 50s. Spring tends to be<br >wet, and summer is hot and humid (average<br >temperature 73~), but the presence of city<br >beaches mitigates this fact. What can one say<br >about winter? It s cold. The weather is 30~. but<br >remember, Chicago is known as the Windy City,<br >and despite claims that that refers to the Iong-<br >windedness of former city-boosters, the wind-<br >chill factor can be painful. Dress for the season.<br >Layering of clothing is best, because in any sea-<br >son the weather can be unpredictable. In winter,<br >outerwear should include hat (with ear cover-<br >ing), gloves, and boots that should be suitable<br >for--did I forget to mention it?--snow.<br >First, about the city. True love is never blind.<br >Chicago, like any city, can be unsafe in certain<br >areas at certain times. Common sense must pre-<br >vail regarding when you go and at what time you<br >get there. Be sure of your destination in the<br >evening and how you are going to get to it and<br >back again. Secure your wallet or purse, and do<br >not flaunt cash or gold jewelry.<br > Second, about the book. There is little about<br >Chicago that is stagnant. Change is inevitable<br >and desirable. Though at press time all informa-<br >tion contained herein is correct, there will surely<br >be changes. Phone numbers are included, and<br >it is recommended always to call ahead.<br >These are the main information sources for tour<br >ists (and natives) concerning places, events,<br >and travel.<br >Chicago Convention and Tourism<br >Bureau, Inc.<br >McCormick Place-on-the-Lake, 2301 South Lake<br >Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60616. 567-8500.<br >Guides, brochures, maps, and listings of current<br >events. Helpful publications, helpful staff. OPEN<br >Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm; Sat & Sun 9:30am-5pm.<br >CLOSED Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year s<br >Day.<br >Chicago Office of Tourism Visitor<br >Information Canter<br >1,63 East Pearson; 280-5740. Also at the Chi-<br >cago Cultural Center, 78 East Washington (Ran-<br >dolph side); 267-5747. Brochures, maps,<br >guides, monthly listings of current events. OPEN<br >Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm. CLOSED Thanksgiving,<br >Christmas, New Year s Day.<br >Chicago Fine Arts Hotllne ~<br >346-3278. Recorded listing of cultural events 0c-t<br >curring in the city. I<br >Illinois Information Center<br >(800) 223-0121. Phone for a travel kit for Clli.|<br >cago or any other city or area in the state 0f|<br >Ilfinois. Available 7 days, 24 hours. |<br >International Vlsltors Center l<br >520 North Michigan. 645-1836. They plan and<br >set up itineraries for foreign visitors, both indi,<br >viduals and delegations. OPEN Mon-Fri 9arr~<br >5pm. ]<br >Parking is allowed on most Chicago streets--tl~<br >major exception being downtown, where~<br >parking is allowed--though finding a spot is u~<br >ally difficult. Be sure to read the signs carefull~<br >your car may be ticketed or towed if illegaq<br >parked. Meters require a variety of arnoeq<br ><br >

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